Tuesday, October 31, 2006
SEED STORAGE This would seem to be an especially good year for pumpkin seeds,if you judge by the number of recipes using plain,old instructions on ways mildly mad methods for roasting them as dependable supplies of snack foods for young and old eaters alike. Old-timers say - ten-to-one "Boy-oh-boy! It's been years since I've had any roasted pumpkin seeds :"Usta eat 'm like crazy, but.." Crunching sounds may cover the memory words the recite,but someone else will overlap those happy sounds by saying: !When I wuss a kid, we used to put our "spelunkings away" as fast, or faster,than Grandma could roast 'em." There's always a clown in such groups,too., so another would chime in with: I prefer watermelon seeds! They spit better!" This year I have come across roasting instructions in most of the homey magazines. It's an annual thing with lots of food writers, of course, but it sees to match up with a pumpkin,gourd and squash sort of garden thing ...oh,plenty of 'em!.. but not that over-the edge glut we get so often in October. Once Halloween Night is over,you can't give pumpkins away! Locally,it was not the best growing season this year for such Fall foodstuff but there are plenty of pumpkins at your local market- or nearby. There are fancy ways of roasting pumpkin seed The simple way asks only that you wash up a supply of seeds from medium size pumpkins. Wash until they no longer tend to gather in sticky lumps. Dry them quickly on paper towels or better still a clean cloth. Rinse them in a weak lime juice solution. Loosely sprinkle seeds on cooking sheets or shallow pans so they do not overlap. Form a thin layer with repeated sprinkles. Add perhaps a teaspoon of chili powder and more if you want them to be spicier. Bake them at 250 degrees until chili powder forms a film on the surface...twenty minutes or so. Now,for the roasting. Salt generously,and pour all of them into a large skillet it over medium heat to be held in such a manner that you can shake it and stir the contents constantly. The flat seed will each pop and become round. They won't all do so. Give them five minutes or so to encourage cooperation. You can serve them plain or some people like to"stretch" them by mixing them with salted peanuts. It think every "Grandma" had her own spice level. They used all sorts of spices and herbs. Experiment and you, too, can be among the beloved pumpkin seed poppers! Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-31-06 [c451wds]
Monday, October 30, 2006
NOW! YOUR TURN! Go ahead! Say it! Don't hold back on one little bit of it! Whatever it is you feel you would like to tell the world about, right now is the very best time you may ever have in which to get it all said and heard. Don' t hold back on anything! We are in the final heat of an Election Time when lies of the utmost proportions and complexities can be spelled out in the finest ways, seasoned with special party-type goodies and be readily believed, accepted...even,for a time, greatly praised, admired and honored. Told at any other time of the political year each magnificent plan would beheld suspect and awkward questions would be set forth. I have never quite understood why it happens, but Truth expands in proportional terms and does well in travel with small embellishments from time-to-time to meet "local" needs. The presence of television cameras at Stop One has modified the natural tendency to widen by the continued presence of that same, self-preserving political savvy which overcame the sudden absence of "smoke-filled-rooms" in American political life styles. It can certainly deal with dials and a few electronic switches thrown with discretion - or else... as in "watch that frequency." The greatest changes, I think, in our political presence - in our elections and political management are closely tied to eras, actions, fads, fancies and social frauds we have engaged in during our recent past. One of them titled "baby boomers" - a backlash in of a calender-based thing - is being beaten to death and blamed for all manner of trouble being experienced today. The nature of our election's visions will change in accordance with changes taking place in the character of persons who step forward as candidates and the people who vote for or against them. "Baby Boomers" would be just on of many who will influence our choice tomorrow. We have yet to know what the ultimate affects will be on our society by our excessive permissiveness in educational and behavioral routines of thirty or forty years ago, the steady lowering of educational standards at all levels, the outright annarchy of the '60's among students, peace lovers, protest marchers of every type reagarding varied views of every subject - religion, art, sex deviations, war, racisim, and we meet with today. We must yet pay the piper for millions of miles of protest, parades, walks, rides, sit-ins, downs, unders and atops and with the almost total elimination of such subjects as civics, geography, history, hygiene, and comparative languages and religions of the world from school curriculum lists at all levels as they would normally apply. On our historical road ahead we will see the what each of these behavioral phases has had on our basic principles of governing ourselves. Be assured each will affect us, perhaps in some subtle, unseen ways. We can expect to be making such adjustments for the next half century or so. At Election Times they will be re-occurring - each in it's turn. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-31-06 [c518wds]
Sunday, October 29, 2006
MYSTERY IN MAGIC-LAND It ,somehow, would seem rather odd for us to think of a well-known movie star as being a camera "nut" - someone who seeks to augment his or her ever-growing collection of snapshots of actors at work or play. It would seem "silly" unlikely and "out of place" to most of us, I think. There is, I understand, a new book just out which will take a bit of "getting used to idea". Imagine a longtime magician as a star in the sky. It will make interesting reading. I'm actually looking forward to reading all the facts which led the book's writer to deal a second career - that of having served as an international spy that time when when his nation and ours were at war with Germany's "Kaiser Bill" I am looking forward to reading how - Houdini - a man who dealt with some of the world's deepest mysteries with special skills of seeming management thereof. This puts Houdini in a class of "007" operators some eighty years ago. This would be, perhaps, like calling Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson into a State-side murder case of some sort. One wonders how Houdini may have used his magic skills in espionage assignments. He could have anticipated subsequent inventors who brought us such innovative equipment as exploding chewing gum for blowing up bridges, railway stations, airports and space platforms; perhaps quasi-vermicelli strings fitted with metal-slicing innards for re-working unworkable plastics. He would have been good at it, I must admit. The book, is really a 700,000-page database by two skilled writers named William Kalush and Larry Sloman. At first it was more of a "idea of interest." The actual material of Houdini himself revealed nothing upon which such a base might be built. In time they came across a journal kept by a British agent named William Melville - called a "British spymaster". He wrote of Houdini on several occasions in a diary repeatedly spoke of him as being, you might say ,"a duck out of water"...a magician and escape artist .... and entertainer working as a spy for Scotland Yard. There are other reasons which this a book of special interest. During his career, Houdini made several groups in unforgiving enemies when he continually endangered their income and livelihood. He caused money-making Spiritualists of his day to hate him because he proved them to be charlatans robbing the people. He ridiculed all contact with the dead and proved their chicanery. Clairvoyant groups were also his avowed enemies. One day a "college student" beat him and delivered severe blows to his stomach. That same day in the evening a strange man waylaid him in the lobby of his hotel and again beat him once more with severe blows to the abdomen. There is a good chance this new book is may bring to light more about his strange death. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-29-06 [c495wds]
Saturday, October 28, 2006
WANNA BE Most of us, I am sure have - a one time or another - openly wished for things we would have liked to do or be Call it a youthful time of "day dreaming," if you like; let stark realism drive such thoughts away; lose them all forever; let so-called "common-sense" take possession of the entire fabric our physical, emotional and mental or dream world which existed at one time . You, each, at some point in life, have been challenged by others to justify your personal preferences in your future. Unable to deal with conventional bounds of reasoning, we agree to seek avoid all mentions or allusions to our private "plans" for the remaining portion of our life. Peace was established by such a urged disavowal of destiny you saw for your life. You "signed" an armistice, rather than a treaty and gave up outward manifestations of your interest and concern for your future. Or, did you do even that much? Many of us "kept our fingers crossed" when agreeing to change our outward manner. All of us, to a degree have maintained a modicum of memories of thoughts and sensations of which this treasury of yesterday's ambitions which drove many to such a change. People are what they have been. They are what they have been in the form of stream of their ancestors have been and have done or we wanted to be or do. The are what they are now , to borrow a phrase from the Maker's book "I am what I am!" You are what you are!". You are intrinsically unique. Am what self-approved Master of your way has decreed that you, now -as an "adult" - know your precise placement among all humans in creation? If, in my case, some Norse man had not dreamed of crossing the western seas to the beautiful islands he heard returning Viking warriors talk about, I might today be setting out to ford a ford at this moment if his descendants had not longed to go ,next ,to Ireland then to America, I might now be peeling neeps and skinning prawns; fording a fiord or basking in a burst of sunlight at Bangor-by-the-Irish Sea. Why do we, so often, wonder who we are in Time what the individual purpose for being here at all is, was or will be. If you have such thoughts at times, it could be that you are searching your childhood memories for hints about the wonderful, well-planned Golden Days of life that were to be. Pay attention, too. Remember, you are what you were. You are what you have been, and there is no one exactly like you in all of Creation. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-26-06 [c464wds]
Thursday, October 26, 2006
LEGAL LOOPS I have a feeling that tells me most of us know by now that legal systems have many turning points. In some manner even opposite paths , taken with careful attention to detours, side roads and portage areas can even lead identical destinations. The Halloway-Twitty case in the Caribbean island of Aruba set a firm example of just how varied such legal systems can be. The complex case interested millions of American television viewers because the victim was an American college student who Class Trip to the romantic island. The case had special promise the form was complicated and could deal with possible kidnapping plots in the disappearances, and murder. For the first time in many American TV viewers TV viewer saw the Dutch legal system at work. Almost at once, it proved to be puzzling to the American and I overheard on man say he thought the Dutch had hired Sherlock and Dr. Watson to talk about the case. Many Americans - totally unaware of the domain in which the crime had been committed - could not understand why we could not "send our F.B.I. to clean up this mess!" Many American critics if the Dutch way of solving criminal cases expressed their doubt that the Aruba case would ever be solved. As of today their bets still hold firm. Closer to home I am constantly disturbed by the quality of justice as I see it vary widely in different degrees. Offenses can be ignored in one area while the same act in another jurisdiction draws a fine or even jail time. How wide can the definition of a crime become, I often wonder? I wonder,too, at the marked tendency of lengthen in time spent in limbo between the commission of the crime and the trial date. I question the wisdom of legal persons simply decreeing that set dates for hearings, reports, studies and trials, as well, can be delayed and re-set for dates months ahead at the convenience of judges or other officials. Justice delayed is costly throughout the entire judicial system - a luxury we cannot afford. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-25-06 [c-363wds]
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
SORRY ABOUT THAT When we express "forgiveness" do we also show "weakness"? Just last week, when television new crews were at Nickels Mine, Pa. one-room schoolhouse where six small, Amish schoolgirls had been murdered days before, one newsman ask an older Amish gentleman how the people could find in their hearts to "forgive" the criminal. It had been rumored that such would be announced. The question was neatly put and the old man did not show any visible sign of discomfort. He was looking across a nearby pasture field when the question was posed and he held that point until he glanced quickly upward as if he might be asking for the right words to make a proper reply. The words were on his lips instantly. I do not have the exact word he used.. but I'm certain they are on tape somewhere out there in TV news land. In time they will be heard again. His words were few, I remember, and they conveyed these thoughts to me: "Forgiveness such as this must come of God. God forgives. We forgive. God speaks. We obey." Now,go with me for a moment back in our mutual memories of how our voices sounded when we parrot-ed off the stated answers to questions in the "Children's Cathecisms" which we memorized in those days. Our voices really were the way the teachers knew if we had really studied the passages rather just sketched through them. We did not understand them anyway and memorized words took on one which revealed our ignorance. What the old Amish man told the news gatherer was, I felt, good. In spite of the fact that his words were dredged up "on the spur of the moment" the one of his voiced indicated he may still be uncertain. Isn't one of the guiding principles of goodness based on how well we can hate sin? Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-23-06 [c328wds]
Monday, October 23, 2006
THIRTY YEARS AGO There are many among my collection of friends who would insist on saying I have been a "ham" all my life. They are thinking of that career which never came be a reality. I always wanted to be "on stage",I suppose,and as a result I was tagged early in my life as being the family "show off"..l the "jester", "joker" or or "clown." I can deny it, either. In fact, I have never tried to stop being naturally aware of seeing humor of a sort in the manner in which we lived in those days. That would be the decades of the 1920's and '30's, I suppose. I even know from whom I inherited this tendency to be the family buffoon, or of being accorded the designation which - once it "took hold" it stayed with me the rest of my life. The "blame" or "thanks" go straight to my maternal Grandfather John Loeffert who held the funny role in the years just ahead of my years of tenure. I have always felt honored by the words: "You are just like your Granddaddy Loeffert!" I remember him as a person who brought happiness and good cheer of our family even in the worst of times. Him music, his jokes, his "silliness" helped others to manage our family affairs in ways best suited our needs. He was guide of happiness, a ready help along the way - generous and loving all ways and loving -all of that - and "funny", too. Today however I am being thankful for another "ham" decoration which has been with me for thirty year's ago. I received a letter in the mail his morning from Jeff Rinehart, W4PJW, Churchville, Va. remind in me that the 30th Year Anniversary of the Valley Amateur Radio Association will be observed November 7th at Lynn's in Waynesboro, Virginia. That is another reason for my being proud to be called a "ham." Ham radio has been a real friend to me and mine over the years. I look through a list of current membership and find more names missing - many who have become "silent keys". I remember much of the talk we enjoyed - both voice and code transmissions - the special events we had a part in doing, and the annual "Field Day"celebrations atop "Reddish Knob" with camping out "ham families". KA4WSI...Andy... "ham"....all the way. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-23-06 [c412wds]
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms. Forms can be learned. Recreated. Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations. Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown. Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan. All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people. The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin. Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms. Forms can be learned. Recreated. Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations. Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown. Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan. All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people. The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin. Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms. Forms can be learned. Recreated. Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations. Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown. Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan. All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people. The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin. Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.
Forms can be learned. Recreated.
Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.
Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.
Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.
All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0
The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms. Forms can be learned. Recreated. Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations. Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown. Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan. All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people. The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin. Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
Thursday, October 19, 2006
TO BE AN "OOZIE". Who among us can deny that, as a child - especially when the circus was in town - we - each of us in turn - wanted to be the lithe young man or girl who rode high atop the ponderous elephant and controlled the mighty beast with just a tiny, wand-like stick? The word is little more than slang today in Myanmar. There, in Old Burma,elephants are still in use commercially and good elephant drivers are in demand. The usual word is "mahout". But the name "oozie",especially in a family-oriented business,a son in the family is often assigned to be in charge of a specific elephant. The partnership forms early. Very often they team up more or less or life. The common means of control in driving an elephant is goad and it, too, has a variety of names depending on its having been trained for military or commercial use. Instructors usually rely on ancient texts detailing thee specific phases of training. The guidelines are in Sanskrit language and have age-old precedent behind each of them. The first say for you to love our animal and to use that love to control its actions. The second phase demands that you use your ingenuity in outsmarting the elephants and the unquestioned third rule -called "Balwan" teaches one to control elephants with with cruelty. It is at this point that young modern elephant driver loose much of their desire to even try it. The goad used for training is about with an iron rod extended from the lower end which is sharpened On the inner side the flat rod a a large metal hook is mounted. A downward thrust,flattened against the elephants shoulder, back, side, or neck would be enough to cause any animal to turn away from such pain. Love takes over the next day when we see the trainer rubbing soothing oils into damaged hide areas. The next time you feel any urge to drive any elephants which happen be in our area give some thought to elephant training methods and be content with your old jalopy for a while longer. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-20-06 [c371wds]
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
LET'S JUST SAY: "UNSTEADY". I try to avoid thinking about the subject - time-to-time but when I do avoid it, along comes another news item which,in effect,upsets my entire fruit stand and not just my apple cart. The point I ponder at such a moment has to do with estimates of the relative stability - in its grandest sense - of each of us as a nation of people or peoples. Is it a "possibility" or even, perhaps, a "probability" that either both the rulers and the ruled segments of the so-called "nations" of the Earth - the governors, kings, queens, dictators,residents, prime people of some place - might, perchance, have slipped or slithered over the edge at some zig or zag opportunity along the rather sketchy pathways of man's true history. Only yesterday,on the very day we here in The United States have nose-count of 300-million in inhabitants, we were also told that The World's Primary Nut Nominee for Now Kim II, of North Korea has decide to do an encore performance of his low-level nuke test of last week's headlines and footnotes. No one know his reasons for doing so, but this is another of Kim II's re-takes for his well-known film collection. This number business about 300-million of us is another question "well." What man or women in their right mind, would even consider being named to hold the office which would put them in charge of governing such a mass of people of people, guiding them to fruitful careers in jobs they all cherish, of meeting every need for soul-satisfy attainments in the arts, technology, music in rock, rap and on-line recordings thereof. Just keeping up with the numbers might be a problem. If you keep careful record of birth rates, death rates and immigration rates or will find we get anew citizen every eleven minutes or so. If you are running for the presidential place, remember these newcomers will not be voting for another eighteen year or so. Be sure to work small details like that into your plans...and "Good Luck" to you. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-19-06 [c372wds]
Monday, October 16, 2006
"AS ONE OF THEM" The moral values we hear being discussed somewhat more frequently largely because of the reporting of the Congressman Marc Foley scandal are not as portable as we might be made to make them seem to be. Such in-bred morals of preferences like any truly inner marks of worth, are largely constant. You don't "take from" and /or "add to" them as if they were trading stamps of some sort. Many individuals, perhaps, have a wealth of such possessions and yet they remain unaware of them as a major factor in the their lives. They are worn as are worn as armor against evil forces, as one makes a stand in favor of goodness. They are used to nourish other less fortunate persons. They can wave as encouraging banners during moments of special movement in our lives. They can sound forth as trumpets leading to the discovery of soothing harmonies in the basic composition of life's melodic themes. I dislike seeing Foley shortcomings being exploited as a political tool to sustain the fevered state of the scandal alive as long as possible during the election year. I am well aware of the fact that, were "the shoe on the other foot" the accusations and recrimination would be going in the opposite direction". This all has a personal meaning for me. Years ago when I was physically able to move about doing church work, I was one of four Elder named preach at a small church south of Staunton,Virginia. Each of us was to speak two Sundays. I find myself parroting lines from those talks. I used the entire "Book of Obediah" as my text. The words which come back to me even after all those years are- a parody, no doubt.."...on that day we I saw count stand aloof and watch my enemy tear down my gates and enter my home and pillage...you were as one of them!..." I have often wondered if anyone got anything from my sermon that morning. I did. The notes are still around somewhere in my "files". I think of lessons behind it all in election years. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-17-06 [c-371wds]
Friday, October 13, 2006
RUM RUNNERS AND BOOT LEGGERS? I suppose we could say that our national language remains more intact, stays where it is as the history of our national culture moves about both up and down, right - left and even in unrewarding circles at the same levels. Our language - both spoken and written - slip into slang, Tech talk of any era at hand, occupational lingo, and linguistic attempts to maintain fading international bits-and-pieces of cultures long gone. We use some street talk at times - "commonalities" - all of which tends to cause growth within our language; expansion of meaning, enlargement of knowledge and greater acceptance of new ideas. I had no idea the terms "rum runner" and "bootlegger" would require explanation, but one young lady was confused by their use. One of the great features of our national life when I was a kid was the concept of prohibiting the use of alcoholic beverages nationwide by setting up legislation which said it was illegal to do so. After surviving such an era, I think I may safely say it did not work. I do not remember details of the actual campaign which resulted in the concept being built to such a peak that it became a law. Those were Post War years called "Roaring Twenties," as a tag for a time tagged, the law was ridiculed, disobeyed and questioned. It still amazes me amazes me that it took until 1934, wasn't it?... before that law was repealed. My two families, it seems to me as I look back at it all, were not too concerned about it one way o the other, but I can remember my Grandmother and other family members talking about the way saloons once did,indeed, thrive in every block of most cities and talk about the terrible miseries of family groups in which the evil monster of strong drink was a genuine horror. I think we kids agreed that there was a need for reform and not only in that with "Kaiser Bill" in exile chopping his own firewood. It was common in those days for residents in rural areas, in particular, to be engaged in other than farming as occupation. Entire areas were given over entirely to the illicit manufacture of any types of which came to be called "moonshine" - used widely as in comedy. The emphasis was, naturally, in isolated, rural areas.but there were functioning distilling systems in the towns and cities as well. They were constantly being raided and trashed out, but they were back in business within a week. They became more and more complex over the years. but many were quite obvious and even “open”. As a young music dance band musician I worked in so-called “bootleg joints”. One, which was raided from time to time, had a simple system. The investigators never noticed there was always a happy black lady was always washing pots and pans. She laughed heartily as she stood there shining a big copper kettle. At the first, which, a the first signs of a raid, its contents had gone down the drain and a sudsy aroma permeated the area. Our family doctor, who served many people living on the mountain ridge above town could, from his porch on Sunday morning, point out scores of rising plumes of smoke - each an operating still. Their owners and operators out numbered those forces working to see the end of such operations. Today we have serious problems which demand attention and it might a mark of wisdom if we would remember what happened when we decided we could ban booze. It is becoming more plain every day that it is difficult to pass any legislation to control morality and human social conduct. Let’s not be too hasty in total eradication. When a thing is made to be a "no-no", that only spurs many people to seek ways to get around it. Controls? Yes. Total bans? No. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-13-06 [c-662wds]
Thursday, October 12, 2006
A MERIT MARK We did better this time. I'm speaking of events of October 11th - just a five years and a month date after the Sept. 11th, 2001. Many have been awaiting another such trial and all have, at the same time, been wondering how we would respond. I think we did very well and deserve a bit of cautious recognition. This, while was not of the large proportion as the original attack, it was a shock just the same. More individuals that we could get them to admit have such fears, actually has some thoughts of another attack. Yet, I saw no evidence panic in any of the scenes I happened to see. There was nervous excitement, of course, for Americans who, are more interest in follow-up by nature. A sudden noise and he wants to know right away what caused it. This time, the city dwellers seemed to move out of their buildings to see what had happened. There seem to be less personal concern in their movements and they showed little fear for themselves in their movements. It is remarkable that none of the debris falling from the burning area fifty-one stories above. As it appeared to some officials, it seems, that a plane had hit the building. That quickly changed to a helicopter, due largely to the fact that there is a busy heliport just blocks away at the end of the bridge which runs a pretty active schedule hauling business executives from one point to another. For a short-time it was suggested it could have been larger, multi-engined craft but officially said to be a light, four-place craft owned and piloted by a well-known sports figure. The in-flight incident is thought to have occurred the building, occurred at the point where air traffic is required to turn around to avoid traffic patterns from La Guardia Field and pilot, a well-known New York Yankee's baseball team pitcher Gary Lidle lost control of the plane, which appeared to have stalled in mid-air due to insufficient forward motion and crashed into the side of the huge multi-purpose building. The immediate fire burned apartments until water was applied from inside the building. On the whole, traffic was well controlled. NORAD was alert this time to scramble fight jets above major cities and other home defense rules and regulations were tried for the first time. I heard New Yorkers wondering how is that air space above Manhattan is not more restricted. Anyone who wishes to so, can fly up the East River with limited formalities. Among such requirements is one which asks if you can turn your aircraft around to head back down river. No doubt, many points have turned up in individual experiences in this latest scare in New York City. We should make every effort to learn such guidelines to safety. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-11-06 [c494wds]
Monday, October 09, 2006
COLUMBUS GETS AROUND There are certainly a number of people who are observing today as holiday honoring Christopher Columbus. Some people claim him to to be the man who discovered America; others blame him for the same achievement. He has been, in our time, lowered a few pegs on the admiration scales. It is evident from the resources available to us today, that he was one among many young men, who, in his day, had the very same spirit which today tells thousand of young men and women of the same unquenchable spirit they are destined to become some form of the group we currently limit to the word form: "astronaut." We know far more about space today than Columbus knew about the strange area he was to explore and explain. His, too, was a big task, just as monstrous as space mysteries are to young people today. There is an unswerving challange in all it all both the "worst" and the "best" are to to be fathomed as theories much less as deeds yet to be done. Old Voyager I and II are still out there chugging along as primitive space craft even as far better examples of what we can do are to be seen in our space shuttles - all sent into the endless wilderness of space by at same desperate urge which compelled Christopher Columbus to continue to make his dangerous trips into the unknown seas of planet Earth. We move the observance of Columbus Day to suit the need of long weekends in the D.C. area. Traditionally it ought to be October 12th, but the ninth day will do as long as we all remember and appreciate that which one man did for all of us in year of 1492. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-9-06 [c305wds]
Sunday, October 08, 2006
BAGGY PANTS STYLES I have always been grateful for the fact that men's clothing designs were not so readily receptive to novel changes as readily as are styles for women. If I am reading forecasts properly we are going to be able too buy men's pants this Fall which actually cover the area they were originally designed to conceal. We have weathered two style spasms in recent years when we went to extreme ends. I'm on the fat side, so I hated both extremes. The one was a hungry-looking, thin-as-a-rail, tight-fitted, zipper zapper, with all bone inside and a squeezed layer of flesh and skin inside ready to split the thin surface with the very next bending motion. I have always been for growing up an "in-between time" in pants when we don't seem have worry too much about them being too tight or too baggy or loose. I have been through one era of change in which we were led to wear "knickers" They were a fad, which came to these shores with Scottish game called "golf" - laughing referred to by non-players as "Cow-pasture pool" or "Barnyard Billiards". They were, at first, worn only when playing the game We should have gone authentic with kilts but I, for one, am glad that did not catch on. With sudden and unpleasant changes made in Wall Street in 1929 we boys called our pants of that sort "knickerbockers" but I don't know why. It sounds like we may have lifted it from Upstate New York, possibly by way of James Fennimore Cooper. We saved our golf wear for Sunday and other dress-up occasions and the rest of the time we wore overalls - pronounced "over hauls" - with pocketed bib, shoulder straps, large side and rear pockets and, they were roomy enough to slide them off and on over usually bare feet and sometimes shod feet. At this moment boys are walking through the malls of America wearing in style baggy pants which allow low back pockets - always loaded- to tap the heels of the walker-wearer and scrape the pavement. Let's get move on there, you style shifters! It's getting late! The rising of the full Moon is seen often at the local Mall at all hours of the day and night. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-8-06 [c400wds]
Saturday, October 07, 2006
DAMAGE CONTROL There seems to be a special opportunity for young people who are seeking an opportunity to enter a field of business where a lucrative future seems to be assured. How about training to become an expert in the constantly expanding field of "Damage Control"? It is now being used in practically every occupational area, too...and perhaps any self-confident, naturally domineering, intrinsically stubborn, tenacious, cantankerous individual can rise quickly and even excel in a specialized field in which good qualities can be set aside and bad ones made to appear as being made to appear to be replacements as good, enduring, proper and undisputed merit in whatever you wish to call "all". The initial problem to be solved is yourself. Obviously, you can't stand yourself or you would not be so eager to change. You've come this far! You know this is an opportunity! Are you going to chicken-out again? Or, are going to out-macho today's finest; place your noble profile in the bright rays of enlightenment and revel in the absorption of glory of wearing the laurel wreath of pure intelligence - knowledge of one's self! You have a world of new clients! You have, for instance, a member of one of the largest and finest legislative bodies who was caught exchanging sexy notes with young boy "pages" of his office domain. His former co-workers say he needs to undertake some serious "Damage Control measures. They need some such treatment themselves to restore a more pleasant aroma to their occupational area. The boy or boys, DC, as well to learn not to trust adults indiscriminately, or E-mail or Instant Messenger addicts need for companionship. The need for expert damage control is always in the Presidential office because most presidents have host of things they have to keep quiet about until the right time. Scandal has come to the White House in a visible entity and large chunks of of fix-it materials had to be applied to keep classic case under control during the Clinton-onian Error Era. Occurrences of a that caliber are rare, but one has be ready for whatever might strike without any real alerts being sounded. Why not establish an office or department of accountability wherein professional Damage Control Ph D's or better would be in charge to mend such things as they happen rather than wait for years until they fester into festivals of shame and disgrace. After all, we Americans seem to want to feel our elected official to be "a regular feller"..."one of the boys" -"just like you and me....like so many of the rest of us." Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-7-06 [c-456wds]
Friday, October 06, 2006
FOR BETTER OR WORSE The lasting harm which comes to a nation when leadership lapses into a time of wanton disregard of moral standards upon which we like to think the nation was originally founded. Common sense tells us that our forefather were not perfect nor should we we expect out current leadership to be without flaws. We are rather socked when we find one of our chosen political personages turns out to be "despicable in every way". The immediate action taken is to "get rid of him", "kick him out of office", or threaten to imprison him . Much of that relates more clearly to us than to the associate we have now set apart as being a criminal. We are, today, saying that "former" Congress person is no longer, a part of that governmental maze. He resigned before he could be fired. He then consigned his physical person to the care and confinement of an alcohol control rehab center. A few people praised him for such action saying he was "getting at the real cause of most of his troubles." Others were quick to state an opposite view suggesting that self-commitment concept was created to ward off some of unwanted media attentions which were bound to haunt his every step. There is a understandable tendency of many to look at this entire Foley Affair as something which will restyle the Congress and even switch the leadership to the Democratic party. Unless it is heavily hyped it will not last until election time as a serious threat in such a massive manner as is being anticipated by Bush-bashers. By that time,however, there will, most probably, a few more incidents about which we can construct schemes and trouble making to distract election plans. One scandal seems to breed others, so don't be shocked if a real capper comes barreling along at any moment. We mentioned the problem of ultimate form of danger which are done by the governmental scandals encourage. None of us can continue go see wrong being added to wrong and maintain our confidence in the form of government we profess to trust and obey. Think of it if you cannot trust a public servant to use his e-mail properly how can we expect to handle our "first-class mail" properly? Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-6-06 [c-397wds]
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A LOST ART You can't find many people today who can tell you exactly when a watermelon is ripe and ready to be eaten! There are no college courses in the school catalogs I see, not even diploma mills on the Internet, TV or printed come-ons offering crash courses in melon-whiffing, rind-rational reasoning, or melon-knowmah karma. It is what they call a "lost art. There was a time when every American melon-lovin' family had at least one member who knew all about perfect melons. The more I think about it, however, I remember that the individual who had that particular talent was always an Aunt or an Uncle or distant cousin, twice removed. They had the reputation but were , as I now recall, not being present-or- accounted for during melon sharing time. Anoher reason for our melon mannerisms concerned economics. We did not plunk down $7.50 each for melons each for melons purchased and a roadside stand, a store or selected from those piled on an overweight watermelon truck parked at the corner of our street...a common site when the melon patches were drooling out some real beauties. You cut a melon. If it did not look right - into the nearby barrel for the hogs. You selected another and another as needed. Seriously, I know of several good way to be assured of a tasty melon. The experts say look for a flat, yellowed area on the bottom of the melon. That's a good 'un! Check to see if the vine was torn away from the melon or if it was carefully cut about two inches out; the stub still there - dried and withered. That's a good 'un, too! Either way! I've had "experts" tell me each way is best. The way we always did was as youngster: take a small knife and plug the rascal's green hide Maybe an inch or so squared plug cut out. We usually bought that one anyway. You eat watermelon either to enjoy doing so or to have the right to complain about having done so. To me, one of the best things to come from a watermelon is the fine pickles which can be made with the rind. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-5-06 [c-385wds]
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
SLY STEP You can accept Jerry Springer's reason for being a contestant on "Dancing With the Stars" if you like. He says he wanted so very much to be able to dance with his daughter, Katie, during her wedding in December. I am one of many who see his appearance on the dance show as a carefully planned promotion orchestrated with much skill to put the Jerry Springer name before the American people once more. Sleaze watchers of yesterday have fine memories of his hosting of one of TV's loosest and most bawdy TV "talk" shows. Few people realize that all of this fal-de-ral of ballroom dancing is sheer rigged publicity - subtle and well done - is for the purpose of getting us ready to accept the Broadway Grand Opening of the latest musical production about his life and times! It was written in England, enlarged from some seaside skits about the man British newspapers advertised as the host of "America's leading TV show!" In case you missed seeing the new stage show at the "National" in London, or at any of the road tour locations,it's on the way. The Broadway opening was originally set for October but that seem so close. This Fall, anyway. The play - titled in England as "Jerry Springer The Opera" is a wild, incoherent display of materials designed to downgrade an obsolete garbage dump site. Those of you who read this column during the time of the English road showing will recall the smutty content not unlike his old TV shows. The staged appearances in most areas gathered two groups - one outside in the street protesting the performance. Thus far, I have heard no mention of The forthcoming opening of "Jerry Springer The Opera". Springer and is partner Kym Johnson have been voted again and again by the three judges as being among the poorest dancers in the competition, but the nation 's television viewers, with exceptional devotion, constantly redeem them. No one seems to be wondering why this happens. We are being "took". Wait just a bit longer and see if someone happens to mention, by pure chance of course, that the Broadway musical "Jerry Springer The Opera" will open plus the date and where.We are supposed to be surprised, too. So...we go along with the scheme. They have done better than I though they might. And, let in become a memory in your mind showing how easily we can be duped. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-4-06 [c424wds]
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
AS THE ROMAN'S DID. I have never been able to agree with those who say that present-day America is "going to total ruin just like the Roman's did!" The older folks used to say: "Going to Hell in a hand basket." The comparison doesn't seem valid in so many ways, but it is given another round when any sex-oriented scandal gains headline status in D.C. governmental areas. We have such a situation now in the actions of Congressman Mark Foley (R), Florida who has been exchanging explicit, sexy letters with a fifteen year-old former page boy. The big difference this time around is that since this is a time in which we are heading into mid-term elections. the important thing about it all is that if the Democrats can keep them causes on the Republican party rather than on just one of their number, it could be the lever needed which might change the election to Democratic advantage. "They have been in power too long....stagnant, rotten to the core!...despicable conduct! Replacement! " Voters have been known to respond well to such accusations - and if they b e true or false seems to make very little difference as long as the scandal background remains intact. Foley has resigned; consigned his bodily self to an alcoholic treatment center to avoid on-camera encounters of the least kind kind and to lay claim to the common "drink made me do it" placard he can now show. That is about the sum and substance of what we are now seeing and hearing. Precedent in such cases urges that such affairs be forgotten as soon as possible lest they stir up others like it. This one seems to be tagged to continue a bit longer than usual. This sex offense can bed classed as being rather "mild" when compared to others which have existed or are extant within the District area including northern Virginia and the edge of Maryland as well.' The whole thing doesn't even come close to the fall of the glory that was ancient Rome, does it? By his time, they would have worked in several murders, a suicide, perhaps a sedition or two, and a seduction as well. Infidelities would have, at least, been mentioned. Some few critics have far more severe views than I. Each newly revealed case - as they continue to happen - might lead me to accept their harsher version of the era in which we live. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-3-06 [c424wds]
Monday, October 02, 2006
SOME TRICKY WORDS It is only a test, but try to say this line several times without worrying about that which so often happens to people who say it do so.. Try saying the following sentence three times, rather rapidly, as through giving instructions to another person: "There is only one way to say "only" and that is the only way to say it. Remember to say the word "only" that way; always say "only" and never slip into "olny" as some people do. The only way to say only is "only" a that is only true, it is said, of the term "only." In have known a number of people who have trouble every time they hear the tense sound of a siren on an emergency vehicle - near or afar. Be it a klaxon horn blast or the shrill moaning of the siren type they say: Uh-Oh! Musta been another car wreck! There goes another "anvilance"! I have heard that word used more often by people in the Rockingham County section of Virginia. It may be a Shenandoah Valley-ism. Anvilances are seem frequently on the roads there, either in long, limo-car-ish versions but more often as sturdy, truck-like models which are amazing well-equipped and staffed by volunteer Rescue Squad members from about every community. Pronounce it anyway you like; it is always properly said to be one of our greatest community blessings. We have several communicates in the Shenandoah Valley area which ,for me, give new radio and TV personalities some trouble until they get The town of Crozet is a more obvious one and they quickly get use is soften it a bit for a gentle "Cro'-zaay". Some newcomers, however, can be here for years but still insist of adding letters in the middle a town's name. The village, named in honor of original settlers in the area - the Stannic family. The community in which they lived became "Stannadsville". But it is not unusual to hear it and to see it printed as "Standardsville,Va." Most first-timers call it "Staughn-tun" just as they do some streets or section back home. Others come closer by thinking "stan", and adding "ton", but doesn't quite hit the mark. Think English. Think how softly Lady Staunton said her name...easy, relaxed, smoothly...it came forth - not "Stan'-ton ", but rather more delicately, even flowing as: "Stant'on". It is never "stan+ton." It is "stant+on." - Staunton, Virginia Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-2-06 [c425wds]
Sunday, October 01, 2006
DO I DARE? I have the greatest possible degree of trust in my personal physicians. I think most people do so, and if you happen to have experienced several close encounters of the wrong kind which took you right up to where you could reach out just a bit and actually touch the garish door-knocker on the front door of Death's dark house. Anyone who has had that portion of life's possible termination so graphically depicted is going to believe just about anything a doctor might suggest in order to avoid such an end. That's good. It is best that we learn to trust and obey persons authorized to assist in maintaining our good health. We have government standards by which we further seek to control the proper use of the medication prescribed for our use. None, it seems, is without potential hazard -especially if improperly used. With that in mind, printed instructions and a detailed analysis of possible ill effects are printed in in uninspired black and fliers - sheets folded ingeniousness inside the carton i n which the medicine is usually distributed. Do you read these informational sheets? Most people do not. They can undermine confidence you have in the preparation which is supposed to cure your particular malady. The required information page is found with every box of a particular spray medication I use. It, for instance, urges me to: "rinse your mouth after using the inhaler to help prevent dryness and relieve throat irritation." I am urged to "clean the inhaler at least once a month." "This medication may cause dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, runny nose or irritated throat. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely side effects occur: fast heartbeat, difficulty urinating white patches in your mouth or changes in vaginal discharge. If sprayed in the eyes, pain occurs." It may be a symptom of narrow-angle glaucoma. Get immediate medical attention. Rarely may cause worsening of breathing problems immediately after use. Contact your doctor at once." There may be allergic reaction, as well, but I think that's about all I care to know about the inhaler I'm using daily. Side effects listed for a pill, I take include fast/pounding heartbeat, nervousness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, trouble breathing, headache dizziness, anxiety, shakiness, pale skin, chest pains and irregular heartbeat, fainting, vision changes, seizures and confusion or "other effects not listed above. " Enough, once more! I do not enjoy reading such "helpful" information. I realize they must be included with all drugs we buy, in accordance with laws of our land, but I have strong feeling urging that a family member of whomever is caring for a patient read the lists of possible things which could or might happen, rather than the patient. I want to get well - not worse. Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 10-01-06 [c479wds]