Topic: Commentary and Essays on Life and Events

This Blog has run for over 70 years of Print, Radio and Internet commentary. "Topic" is a daily column series written and presented by Andrew McCaskey for radio broadcast and print since February, 1932.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Most of us, I am sure have - a one time or another - openly wished for things we would have liked to do or be

Call it a youthful time of "day dreaming," if you like; let stark realism drive such thoughts away; lose them all forever; let so-called "common-sense" take possession of the entire fabric our physical, emotional and mental or dream world which existed at one time . You, each, at some point in life, have been challenged by others to justify your personal preferences in your future. Unable to deal with conventional bounds of reasoning, we agree to seek avoid all mentions or allusions to our private "plans" for the remaining portion of our life.

Peace was established by such a urged disavowal of destiny you saw for your life. You "signed" an armistice, rather than a treaty and gave up outward manifestations of your interest and concern for your future. Or, did you do even that much?

Many of us "kept our fingers crossed" when agreeing to change our outward manner. All of us, to a degree have maintained a modicum of memories of thoughts and sensations of which this treasury of yesterday's ambitions which drove many to such a change.

People are what they have been. They are what they have been in the
form of stream of their ancestors have been and have done or we wanted to be or do. The are what they are now , to borrow a phrase from the Maker's book "I am what I am!" You are what you are!". You are intrinsically unique. Am what self-approved Master of your way has decreed that you, now -as an "adult" - know your precise placement among all humans in creation?

If, in my case, some Norse man had not dreamed of crossing the western seas to the beautiful islands he heard returning Viking warriors talk about, I might today be setting out to ford a ford at this moment if his descendants had not longed to go ,next ,to Ireland then to America, I might now be peeling neeps and skinning prawns; fording a fiord or basking in a burst of sunlight at Bangor-by-the-Irish Sea.

Why do we, so often, wonder who we are in Time what the individual
purpose for being here at all is, was or will be. If you have such thoughts at times, it could be that you are searching your childhood memories for hints about the wonderful, well-planned Golden Days of life that were to be.

Pay attention, too. Remember, you are what you were. You are what you have been, and there is no one exactly like you in all of Creation.

Andrew McCaskey 10-26-06 [c464wds]

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I have a feeling that tells me most of us know by now that legal systems have many turning points.

In some manner even opposite paths , taken with careful attention to detours, side roads and portage areas can even lead identical destinations.

The Halloway-Twitty case in the Caribbean island of Aruba set a firm example of just how varied such legal systems can be. The complex case interested millions of American television viewers because the victim was an American college student who Class Trip to the romantic island. The case had special promise the form was complicated and could deal with possible kidnapping plots in the disappearances, and murder.

For the first time in many American TV viewers TV viewer saw the Dutch legal system at work. Almost at once, it proved to be puzzling to the American and I overheard on man say he thought the Dutch had hired Sherlock and Dr. Watson to talk about the case. Many Americans - totally unaware of the domain in which the crime had been committed - could not understand why we could not "send our F.B.I. to clean up this mess!" Many American critics if the Dutch way of solving criminal cases expressed their doubt that the Aruba case would ever be solved. As of today their bets still hold firm.

Closer to home I am constantly disturbed by the quality of justice as I see it vary widely in different degrees. Offenses can be ignored in one area while the same act in another jurisdiction draws a fine or even jail time. How wide can the definition of a crime become, I often wonder?

I wonder,too, at the marked tendency of lengthen in time spent in limbo between the commission of the crime and the trial date. I question the wisdom of legal persons simply decreeing that set dates for hearings, reports, studies and trials, as well, can be delayed and re-set for dates months ahead at the convenience of judges or other officials.

Justice delayed is costly throughout the entire judicial system - a luxury we cannot afford.

Andrew McCaskey 10-25-06

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

When we express "forgiveness" do we also show "weakness"?

Just last week, when television new crews were at Nickels Mine, Pa. one-room schoolhouse where six small, Amish schoolgirls had been murdered days before, one newsman ask an older Amish gentleman how the people could find in their hearts to "forgive" the criminal. It had been rumored that such would be announced.

The question was neatly put and the old man did not show any visible sign of discomfort. He was looking across a nearby pasture field when the question was posed and he held that point until he glanced quickly upward as if he might be asking for the right words to make a proper reply. The words were on his lips instantly. I do not have the exact word he used.. but I'm certain they are on tape somewhere out there in TV news land. In time they will be heard again. His words were few, I remember, and they conveyed these thoughts to me: "Forgiveness such as this must come of God. God forgives. We forgive. God speaks. We obey."

Now,go with me for a moment back in our mutual memories of how our voices sounded when we parrot-ed off the stated answers to questions in the "Children's
Cathecisms" which we memorized in those days. Our voices really were the way the teachers knew if we had really studied the passages rather just sketched through them. We did not understand them anyway and memorized words took on one which revealed our ignorance. What the old Amish man told the news gatherer was, I felt, good. In spite of the fact that his words were dredged up "on the spur of the moment" the one of his voiced indicated he may still be uncertain.

Isn't one of the guiding principles of goodness based on how well we can hate sin?

Andrew McCaskey 10-23-06 [c328wds]

Monday, October 23, 2006

There are many among my collection of friends who would insist on saying I have been a "ham" all my life. They are thinking of that career which never came be a reality. I always wanted to be "on stage",I suppose,and as a result I was tagged early in my life as being the family "show off"..l the "jester", "joker" or or "clown."

I can deny it, either. In fact, I have never tried to stop being naturally aware of seeing humor of a sort in the manner in which we lived in those days. That would be the decades of the 1920's and '30's, I suppose. I even know from whom I inherited this tendency to be the family buffoon, or of being accorded the designation which - once it "took hold" it stayed with me the rest of my life.

The "blame" or "thanks" go straight to my maternal Grandfather John Loeffert who held the funny role in the years just ahead of my years of tenure. I have always felt honored by the words: "You are just like your Granddaddy Loeffert!" I remember him as a person who brought happiness and good cheer of our family even in the worst of times. Him music, his jokes, his "silliness" helped others to manage our family affairs in ways best suited our needs. He was guide of happiness, a ready help along the way - generous and loving all ways and loving -all of that - and "funny", too.

Today however I am being thankful for another "ham" decoration which has been with me for thirty year's ago. I received a letter in the mail his morning from Jeff Rinehart, W4PJW, Churchville, Va. remind in me that the 30th Year Anniversary of the Valley Amateur Radio Association will be observed November 7th at Lynn's in Waynesboro, Virginia. That is another reason for my being proud to be called a "ham." Ham radio has been a real friend to me and mine over the years. I look through a list of current membership and find more names missing - many who have become "silent keys". I remember much of the talk we enjoyed - both voice and code transmissions - the special events we had a part in doing, and the annual "Field Day"celebrations atop "Reddish Knob" with camping out "ham families".

KA4WSI...Andy... "ham"....all the way.

Andrew McCaskey 10-23-06

Sunday, October 22, 2006
OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing.

Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people.

The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin.

Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do.

Andrew McCaskey 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing.

Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people.

The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin.

Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do.

Andrew McCaskey 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing.

Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people.

The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin.

Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do.

Andrew McCaskey 10-21-06 [c-826wds]
OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - expecially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing.

OCTOBER 21, 2006


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as weigh loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types novelty dancing. Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed returned ixtrdditaaaa rdi fobring nabouthtisinnoiv aiv ed and swedl oedida hasogoto0


The seemingly unending of combinations of gyrations and special placement of appendages of human form seem to occur quite naturally as hints of that withheld absolute perfection Which can be said to be basic to the reality of each of our art forms.

Forms can be learned. Recreated.

Dance becomes poetry in motion; music an elaborated, expanded realm beyond the limits of mere hearing into heady, exotically featured and sounds are tangible and emotionally vocative beyond known limitations.

Historically, too, we are - at best - just beginners, neophytes, potential holders of such wealth unknown.

Have you, to return to harsh undecorated reality for the moment, noticed a revival of public interest which indicates a new interest and concern with art forms - especially that of dancing. Try this simple test, if you wonder. Open your local newspaper to the Classified Ad pages. Notice how many ads are running announcing new dancing classes are "being formed." The invitation is there for all form, of dancing, too - "Ballroom" to "Belly". Some are being being pushed as a weight loss procedure, and that is also a worthy addition for which you might want to plan.

All of this change has come about in the past six or eight months, and it appears to have much more kick than many would attribute to a TV show. It's reception for a second successful
season, has convinced many that it has been the primary cause of the return of dancing to entertainment and and recreational scenes in America, Courses now being offered in new classes include all the old favorite ballroom steps, a few exotics and, in the "modern" inventive types of novelty dancing.

Much of the credit for bringing about this innovative and welcomed return must go to the ABC -TV show "Dancing With The Stars". The calls for professional dancers to teach non-dancing partners a form of dance step and complete dance routine for each week's show. Some of the transformations have been just a little short of magic. The format gives emcee Tom Bergeron the best, real chance he has ever had to make use of his varied talents. Contest- ants chosen ,too, have been fresh and both unknown and semi-known people.

The program depends on the wisdom, stamina and nerve of three competent and fully qualified judges. The program also has the habit-formed jury of "at home" voters. To me, this is a weakness in the format which allows for too much opportunity for certain people who might use the program for personal gain. It seems most unwise for any show based on Judges opinions to allow their votes to be canceled by means of shadowy "Fan Club" pressures. Judges must be seen as judges by producers - and respected as such. If the show has any fault, this "at home" vote this seems to be the niche wherein scandal - a common cause of casualties among contestant shows - might find its sneaky way to ruin.

Meanwhile, watch "Dancing With The Stars" on ABC-TV and wish your could dance as well as most learn to do.

Andrew McCaskey 10-21-06 [c-826wds]




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