Topic: Commentary and Essays on Life and Events

This Blog has run for over 70 years of Print, Radio and Internet commentary. "Topic" is a daily column series written and presented by Andrew McCaskey for radio broadcast and print since February, 1932.
Saturday, June 19, 2004

During the recent days marking the funeral of our 40th President Ronald Reagan, I felt a strange sense of inner security and found myself hoping we were making some progress in overcoming the dangers of the tremendous burden of mistrust we bear concerning each other.

For a time, it appeared we knew more of our basic oneness than we had for a long time.

One might say that we experienced a phase of that sort of mutual understanding during “The 9-11 Crisis” but that was centered on rather eminent and obvious fears for our well-being and survival. That's different from the feeling I knew during the Reagan State Funeral. I remember having the same sort of feeling during the ceremonies which laid JFK to rest, as well. Is it possible, I found myself wondering for us the set aside all the rather petty misunderstandings we nourish ands sustain -often by questionable means - which keep us on edge, suspicious and at odds with each other in so many areas?

During the funeral and the night following, I thought rather positively along such lines of national unity, hoping for a day when clouds would clear a bit and we could get along better in the public forum. Then, when the funeral was over and gone, we returned to our daily routines. The bright hopes dimmed quickly and have been fading ever since. We reverted quickly to our back-biting, inconsiderate and costly mannerisms of hate and distrust, held at bay, it seems, for who know how much longer by threads of fear concerning possible national dissolution.

It is not wise to even try to live under such a sodden cloud of deceit and trickery such as we now consider to be “normal” for our political phases of living.

The media has long been held accountable for many of our difficulties. It came about long before the printing press was discovered and it has caused trouble mix with blessings ever since. It was not uncommon for men of old to execute the messenger who brought bad new to their attention. After all, had he not told them evil existed, they could have ignored it. The media, today, in all its many forms, brings us a great deal of bad news and gets blamed for the transmission of such information.

Some of them are guiltless; others, however, deserve such judgment.

In recent weeks we have seen repeated distortion of the news presented to us in some of our leading newspapers. It seems unlikely that such widespread dissemination of obviously incomplete of edited stories would appear in papers in such varied sections of the nation. The inconsistent qualities closely related to our national election campaign. As such, any and all such lapses of truth telling are committed with criminal intent. Those who stretch the truth, or color it to their own advantage, are cheating the public and undermining the legitimacy of our election procedures. It is not the purpose of the media to lead the nation, but to report factually on how it is being led. At times, some feel the media has the gift of prophecy. It is in such times that it sheds creditability and invites distrust and questioning concerning its existence.

Ask yourself some questions about all of this.

Do we still elect”our officials? Or, do we accept those the media tells us have been selected as being the best?

Do we have genuine concern about civic problems, or do we merely follow through on suggestions from an editor or one of TV-radio's talking heads ?

Do we still “read” newspapers.,..or merely “scan”one now and then? Magazines?

Do we really “watch” TV? Listen to radio? Or, do we just let it all wash over us as we move from place to place, cell phone in hand, seeking we know not what?

Time is running out. We had best seek to sustain our remaining freedoms.

A.L.M. June 18, 2004 [c523wds]

Friday, June 18, 2004

The final statement has been made and shown clearly on the television screen. That’s the moment for a panic to begin, because you realize your do not know the right question?

It’s considered “trivia” by many and you are without the required information needed to connect properly. You make special efforts, attempting to dredge up any hint which might led to the proper response, but it’s not there. Ten seconds remain. They go by as one!

You are , at that moment chagrined to become another unsuccessful watcher of Alex Trebec’s regular TV series called “Jeopardy”. It is on of my continuing favorites on all of TV – then and now. Jeopardy has been around for two decades and getting stronger than ever now with a recent adjusted rule which allows the winner to return day after day ...week after week ... month after month until he or she is defeated by a challenger. The current stayee on the Jeopardy set right now is a young man from Salt Lake City, Utah. His name is Ken Jennings. He is in to software. If he continues his nightly “take” of somewhere around the thirty-thousand dollar mark, he will hit the half-million area before this month of June wanes.

The “Jeopardy” format was devised by Merv Griffin and it has been in steady use for twenty years or so. It can be confusing to newcomers at first, until you realize that Jeopardy reverses the usual quiz show format by making statements and asking the contestant to ask the proper question. All replies must be stated in the form of a question, and this little quirk has clipped many an all-too-eager participant.

Ken Jennings, with a warm, boyish manner, appears to have taking up residence on the show in recent weeks and interest in “Jeopardy” is growing steadily with each repeated win. One of the strongest lures in television is, as it has always been, the sight of money in motion.

Television producers, one would think, would see this change taking place and realize that it is not new, startling TV program we have been importing recently in lo-budget hunks. A creative touch, applied to established shows, can engage the new generation of viewers while retaining the old. American television has been suffering a senseless depletion of established favorites due to this lack of any means of change and growth.

In you are considering changing to a new line of work, consider boning up on your trivia information skills. It is amazing how often you, or a member of your family, know the proper response “Final Jeopardy” when all three contestants draw blanks! And think about this we are often far to hard on ourselves when we grade our at-home “Jeopardy” test-runs. You are not expected to reply perfectly to all statements: just a bit over one- third of them makes you a winner.

A.L.M. June 18, 2004 [c666wd]

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Every now and then we hear some talk about the forthcoming ”H” or hydrogen powered automobile, but it never gets here. Not even in a prototype form. What's all the delay about?

I have been told repeatedly that the hydrogen-powered vehicle is to be our car of the future, but it never gets any closer than glowing articles about it's economy, efficiency and safety. What, pray tell, is holding up the process?

The talk has gone farther than one might think because just this past week I heard it said that the very same thing that has been blamed for holding up scores of other potential blessings, is now being singled out as being the sole factor in forbidding our enjoyment of the newest hydrogen-powered vehicles. Just who would you think that may be? Who keeps us from having this latest advance in automotive efficiency and economy?

Right. The accused, in the view of chronic blame-placers, is the “automotive and fuel producers” of our own nation - that's who have been blamed for buying up and destroying any and all improved carburetor inventions for most of the past century and have destroyed any and all vestiges of them! They didn't want any such economy item on the market to endanger their own production of cars and fuel supplies. Somebody's uncle, or someone he used to know, always got paid off generously by the oil companies and the car manufacturers to keep such wonder-working inventions off the market.

I have known people otherwise sensible people who believed such tales and, just this past week, I came across it when I was told – confidentially, of course - by people who passionately believe such stories, that it is all happened once again - this time to prevent hydrogen-powered cars off the market. The story told, confidentially, of course “because there is some hush-hush investigation and possibly some legislative preparations being undertaken by citizen's groups to meet the conspirators head on this time!”
I thought you'd like to know the name of hose who are preventing you from buying a gleaming new hydrogen-powered car. No, you haven't seen any printed brochures and spec sheets detail the many features of the new economy “H” cars. They sell themselves. No dealerships locations yet, because production can't stay far enough ahead to stock showrooms and street corners. You'll just have to wait until until you meet the right persons, and, in the meantime, blame any delays on the maker of gas-guzzling cars and on those who make and sell the gas with which the they are enguzzled.

A.L.M., June 16, 2004 [578wds]

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

We are continually beset with illness and for centuries we have honored and respected those people who could avert such problems. The Medicine Man was a highly respected figure in tribal lore and whatever his or her title in any particular tribe, they were special persons who were set apart and granted special benefits for the important work they did.

There certainly must have been some worthy individuals who distrusted the many people who undertook this role. Some who chose to do so, may have felt a religious power driving them to serve their fellow creatures in times of pain and suffering. And, in addition to the genuine medicine man there must have been charlatans who practiced a deceitful type of magic and fooled their fellow without mercy in exchange for better living conditions that those afforded the ordinary person.

Today, many are critical of the work done by the professional doctors or health care workers. It, at times, is matter of abrasive personalities and a marked inability to get along with ones fellows, but many do develop both those who respect their special abilities and those who find fault with their actions.
When we hear the “snake oil” stories of generations past; stories of how venom and other deadly potents were used to combat illness and evil among humans. We read of of gross ignorance being the direct cause of the death of thousands. We hear tales about weird concoctions devised by witches and worst used as medicines to bring about cures from various maladies. We read about the use and misuse of such power as hyptnoism, mesmerism, electric belts, pins, combs, buttons, footwear; magnetic pain removers in every size, shape and texture; self cures, religious cures, psychotic cures,tonics, brews, potents and doses without number.

I thought about all of this dismal background today as I sat in a sturdy chair and rested by jaw on a parallel bar; l placed my forehead against a plastic barrier and sat and stared into a focused beam of red-spotted light which loomed in my sight -”both eyes open, please!”. I sat there undergoing what doctor's call a “YAG Posterior Capsulotomy” which is a simple, five minutes, or less procedure which restores light to the back of the eye to improve vision.
It wondered what the patient of centuries ago might have been thinking, had he been in my place.. less than that, really. Imagine what the patient of long ago might have been thinking. Certainly it would invite voodoo images and would seem far out and impractical in relation to knowledge of that time. We live and we learn. Or, at least many of us do so. Some people never learn which is why the 21st Century Medicine Men and Women are still held suspect, by some, of being in cahoots with the Devil.

A.L.M. June 15, 2004 [c646wds]

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

If one bruises easily it may be wise for that person to avoid direct contact with moving objects. Or, your friend who fancies himself or herself to be a paramedic may suggest that you take a few less aspirin than they seem to know you consume each day/

Actually, a few such bruises are not going to harm you a great deal. Some hard-hearted souls out there may openly allude to the fact that they think you are simply clumsy, running into furniture and other such obstacles most people can go around.

I find myself interested in author Bill Clinton's forthcoming book tour as a time of exceptional bruising for himself - which he can take – and now for presidential candidate John Kerry, as well, who has experienced several award winning bruises in the past.

It has come about that we are to think of the month-early publication of Clinton's “My Life” syncs so well with the final weeks of the presidential election.

` Every one agrees, of course, that it is purely a coincidence that bio-tome-tome happened to hit at such a moment so it will sync well with the final weeks of the election.. Bill Clinton's publisher has announced that former pre4sident will be speaking and selling books in the very cities where Kerry might be... well, let's say “brink-ish”. Officially, it is stated the other way around . He has to be selling books as a main occupational interest and concern during those campaign weeks and only secondly commenting on how perfect a friend of his is to be our next president. Publisher Knopf, whom I would imagine keep a pretty stalwart stable of lawyers, seems to think that will keep the twin tour “legal”. Push book sales first and foremost; then mention Kerry. Never the other way around.

What actually may take place in this unusual juxrtiposition? Unless Bill Clinton turns out to be a better book salesperson than he is a Tenor Sax sideman – nothing much, If he had access top more raw material when helping to compile events, incidents and memorable moments and step by mis-step accounts of “My Life” it might hold promise but,thus far, I have seen no lurid previews or sample passages indicating that it is going to better Baedecker even for the most dedicated devotee

Certainly, candidate John Kerry is not depending on this book to win many new followers . At best, it will bring out the steadfast “Clinton Clique”, but it will also arouse the ever-present crowd of “Clinton Crushers” who are just getting over the wild idea that Kerry was considering asking fellow war veteran Republican McCain up from Arizona to take the shot gun seat for a ride through the nation's heartland.

The potential harm which may come to John Kerry has to do with the obvious fact that if Bill Clinton really goes at the selling of books and tries to outdo wife Hillary's sales totals which were impressive stage the main act is Kerry for top slot.

The creepy part of all this voluntary, last-minute “We care about Kerry” has to come from the fact that so many conservative voices have been prominently proclaiming that the Clinton plan has been to do all they can to prevent Hillary Clinton from having to go up against anything other than a Republican four years from now. If there is to be any validity to such an idea, then it may well be that they have just tossed Kerry a lead life jacket.

Gather 'round, ye bookworms! We may have another Best Smeller on our inky stands.

A.L.M. June 14, 2004 [c601ds]

Monday, June 14, 2004

“One size fits all” Don't you believe it brother!

It may feel comfortable enough, but, in time, the contents will grow to fit the contours allowed by the encasement. Try wearing shoes one half size too large, You'll find you have plenty of room to move about in them and wiggle your toes. For a time,you will like that, but when you try to go back to your former half-size smaller shoes, they will be uncomfortable. They will feel far too tight because your feet have modified to fit the area you made available with larger shoes. Or ,try a larger size of anything worn around the waist and because it seems to be better you feel you can eat more or richer foods. You gain weight and no longer fit the former clothing. Sizes remained static, You modified to fit them.

All of this is so very evident in clothing and footwear but the same concept applies to other aspects of living as well.

Consider the matter of education.

It is becoming more and more obvious that none of our educational programming fits everyone. We are overdue for some drastic changes in the fundamental ideas of what an education means in view of the continuing growth of overall economic system and the demands it places on participants. We must plan to educate our children so they can meet the challenges of the future and compete in the world of other competent, well-trained, quasi-experienced and eager men and women for what will be felt to be important in living at that time. Yet, we are steadfastly adhering to programs designed to make everyone an executive with no workers' too many chiefs and not enough Indians;, enough chefs to spoil anyone's broth but no cooks, and we allow butcher, bakers and candlestick makers to come into second-rated being though chance, bad luck, social leveling experiments, academic accidents and other such trivia to get at career potential is each of us.

We heart a lot of yakking and ranting on “ talk” radio and fringe TV at times. Bortz, a strong radio voice out of Atlanta, Ga., uses the term ”government schools” as he derides the manner in which our children are being short-changed in today's educational market centers. More people need to be paying attention to what is being said in regard to our current neglect and malignantly festering mis-handling of a politically be-deviled system and the lack of purpose which is becoming more evident as the ultimate day of reckoning comes nearer.

It is becoming more and more evident that the push for change will not come from the political side. The Social side of our culture is more or less paralyzed by past excesses and overwhelmed with far too many ”isms” of many types, to work with uniform intent toward any ideal. The Religious side of many nations is intent on cleaning its own house and in re-aligning what it is they hope to be some day to Mankind.

To whom must we turn today to get some interest going to attempt to re-establish the basic principles of education for the benefit of all rather than for the few. We have our “Town Criers” in the form of a few radio talk shows hosts – some of whom are aware of the need because they are in daily contact with the heart and soul of the American people day after day, hour after hour.. Now and then a “patriot” of the cause steps out of the crowd - or, is pushed forward ; is “honored” for a time as an example of what can be done, but the cause needs leadership.

A brilliant resurgence of education awaits us all. Each day we delay, the risks become greater; the costs higher. What individual, or group will guide us toward such a worthy goal?

A.L.M. June 14, 2004 [c633wds]

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Many people on many lands are waiting to see what the date June 30, 2004 is going to man in their lives.

Some will view it as a potential moment of blessing and a time when a new era of freedom will begin in their homeland. The people of Iraq will be in this group - or some of them, at least. There is no assurance that all the people will welcome the coming of self-ruler ship by an Iraqi government, and there will be others who are going to oppose the concept violently.

Here in the United States we are divided in opinions concerning what the day may bring, as well. We do not have the violent fringe to worry about in a primary sense, although opposition can assume some injurious roles among our citizens which could harm our nation well-being and sense of unity.

We all recall the mixed opinions we expressed so loudly when the new century loomed and we faced the mystery of events to take place at the exact turn of the century. The dire predictions for that moment were a varied lot and none of the worst ones proved not to be true. Some people face the current problem date with the same doubt, distrust and confusion. Many are ignorant of the potential of Iraq as a new, free and independent nation among many. The entire system is at stake if the mind of many and a failure in Iraq would result, they insist, on weaknesses becoming more evident here at home.

I do feel we must curb our evident enthusiasm to see the trial working out s planned. The conception of a democratic society is a totally new concept for the Iraqi subject and many fail to grasp any sound reason for making such drastic changes.. They are used to the older methods and they have lived well in their view and prospered in their old system which they feel has served their needs. To try a new and foreign system of government does not go well with many local citizens and we need to be aware of this and to try to understand their resistance to change.

To us, it seems to be a logical,sensible path to take, but that is not, of necessity, the view of the very people who have been selected to bring home rule to the land. The opposition has already attempted to thwart the start of the democratically-oriented regime. Two of the new national leadership have been assassinated and other such incidents are to be expected in the few days remaining until the end of the month. June 30th is not to be seen as a magic moment. It is a convenient deadline which was established, I fear, largely though pressures from the United Nation faction in this equation. That element, itself, through erratic actions of a weak, inefficient and self-serving loyalty standard, may prove to be a major part of any future difficulties we meet with in Iraq and other eastern areas. We face our greatest danger of defeat, not from the Iraqi people, but from those factions which have been so long in power and who still exist in modified forms which are both alien and indigenous among us.

A.L.M. June 13, 2004 [554wds]




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