Topic: Commentary and Essays on Life and Events

This Blog has run for over 70 years of Print, Radio and Internet commentary. "Topic" is a daily column series written and presented by Andrew McCaskey for radio broadcast and print since February, 1932.
Saturday, July 08, 2006

As youngsters playing a game we called "marbles", we learned quite early what it meant to play the game "just for fun" or "for keeps." One had to be especially careful that everyone understood which rules of play were to apply before actual battle was enjoined.

A fine collection of many-types of marbles could be gathered together as a personal treasure over a period of time and by placing the proper words for a "bag of marbles"a times such, Christmas, birthdays, or some other gift-exchanging days plus the best method of all - that of trading individual marbles. my older brother became quite a "dealer" and actually played the game only occasionally.

Marbles were made of many types of of material suitably weighted and formed, decorated such as common clay, baked, colored and fired with all manner of historical hints which gave they a vague reason for being. I am reminded of like processing of historical materials during World II when a friend of mine went to considerable expense to have imposing book end sets shipped home bearing plates letting owner know they held in hand store bombed from the British House of Parliament by Hitler's blitz bombers. I am amazed as well by the number of three and flour inch iron nails which crossed precisely at the precise points to be fused by flames of the burning Cologne Cathedral to form so many salable crucifix souvenirs.

Thinking back to my brother's marble collection, I don't recall

his ever claiming he had a few dabs made by Daniel Boone a few miles west of us down Kentucky way or, perhaps something Ben Franklin might have turned out between his stove and his bi-focal eyeglasses. Then, there are those creative folks up in New Hampshire who are ever-so-Keene on marbles.

I maybe about time to start up the playing of marbles. I, personally, never did much collecting them and I've been wondering why, of late, so many people have been heard to say: "...too bad about ole Andy, isn't it? They tell me he's lost all his marbles."

Andrew McCaskey 7-8-06 [c367wds]

Friday, July 07, 2006

How secure do you feel?

This morning, more people are probably aware of that worry because of two events in the news.

One such incident, of course, is the firing of test missiles by North Korea's nutty ruler. When we realize how far off base that boy-boy-born-a-junior-dictator, following the rule was better at hiding his lack of furnishings in the upper levels of his being. When we look at past actions of that troubled regime just a few miles north of Seoul it doesn't take much of promotional push to make us wonder if Jung Jr. has every had any idea about taking over the United States or California, at least, so he can lay claim to Hollywood's stock of old movies. He is a passionate film-owner and is said to have collection of thirty-thousand or more foreign movies on file. He is apparently not aware of the fact that most of our old films are really in the stock rooms of TV stations all over the fifty states from which we watch them endlessly.
Today, for the first time in many month, I have overheard people speaking about rocket types, the range of various models and potential targets as well as mention of atomic "pay loads". Some of this may stem from the recent tossing of missile junk into the Gaza, by the unsettled nature of leadership flexing missile muscles in North Korea.
One Japanese newspaper, I understand, this morning published a statement claiming that the one large missile fired from North Korean was purposely aimed to hit "near Hawaii." If they back such a claim with proof a lot of people are going to be talking about "a second Pearl Harbor!" I also heard on TV that one of the rockets fired fizzled out after forty-two or forty nine seconds into flight. Wouldn't that be the very one the Japanese paper is alleged to be writing about? It fell in to the Sea of Japan somewhat short of whatever its objective may have been. I heard the report of the dud missile early this morning as a report gloating
over the fact that the entire lot may have been of inferior quality and useful only as demo junk.

The second item in "Twosome" from today' news is closer to home:

"FBI admits finding plan to blow up Holland Tunnel!" or words to that effect where tabloided at us in stark black and white this morning. By this time millions of people around the world know more about the story than we do! I want to know why we - mere citizens ,it appears - were not told! When did all this almost happen? Who determines what we are to be let-in-on and what is to be concealed from us - for how long and who decides how much we are to be told?

What else, I wonder has being... and shall continue to be kept secret from us - by whom and why!

Andrew McCaskey 7-7-06 [c512wds]

Thursday, July 06, 2006

You don't have to be very old to have a memory of our having been, as a nation, through so much of this before - a time when some young up-start nation or an older one - even a truly great one in the past - is currently under the control of a personality - young, old, prime or faded - who is convinced he alone knows the right way to go to get wherever he thinks he wants to be without too much effort expended.
Replace today's national leaders'; place their name and nation in the news headlines of today where such characters as Jong Jr. of North Korea where to remind you how old this entire ploy really happens to be. The modernization efforts have been do poorly done that critical defects are evident to the most casual observer.

Among the questions we are asking in on somehow we are hedging and not getting too close to the real problems. We are asking others if they think the U. N. should apply sanctions, boycotts, and other political and economic barriers to thwart his threatened rocketry demonstrations. We ask the question with a straight face knowing full well that the United Nations will not, in fact -can not, be too critical of anything Jong Jr. might wish do. The haven't been concerned with the needs of other needy people around the world, so why start anything new and potentially dangerous to their
own well-being? Japan and Great Britain are the only larger powers we can consider to be on our side.

Japan , with real estate holdings on the edge of potentially affected
area, must look at Hung Jr's plans as threatening to lob one of his missiles into Tokyo. He can re-do the railway crash script which caused Spain

to withdraw support of our efforts in Iraq. Tactics of that nature are not beyond the leanings and of Jr. Jong. He is well aware of Terrorist groups since they have, for years, been active munitions and ordnance trading partners.
We have an "at home" problem as well. There will be thousands of people here in the United States who will gleefully forget whatever it is they are presently against and take up with those who feel they must help Jong Jr. in whatever ways they can.
Our real battle is, however, not with Jong Jr. and his movie-mind misconceptions of world affairs. Our true battle to save the hearts, minds and very souls of many Americans which are withering away in a myriad number of seen and unseen ways. We are less appreciative of what it means - and has long been - to be American. It is not true in every case, but the next time you are talking with that recent immigrant you should know by his time, ask him or her to tell you what it means.

Andrew McCaskey 7-6-06 [c-487wds]

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Today is July 4th on which we marked the beginning of our country as an independent power among the nations of men of planet Earth.

This is an exceptional one in that it was also the day on which our Shuttle Program renewed its space flights after a three-year interim following the disintegration of the shuttle "Columbia". This afternoon our family gathered by the TV set in the dining room to watch the historic launch and each of us, I know, must have been thinking of the last moments of the "Columbia" crew and praying tat today's launch would go well.

It did - and continues to do so now at four-something in the afternoon. We were quieter, I noticed, less excited than on previous occasions. Either we have become accustomed by such fantasy as it all seems to be, at times, satiated with heavy doses of scientific advancement. I had a distinct feeling that more prayer was being thought, voiced and felt during those last moments of countdown than a double-trio of special national "Prayer Days" held now and then after much preparation.

It is at moments such as this when we are led to contemplate the strange situations in which we, so often, seem to find ourselves em-meshed.
Just as our forefathers must have experienced new feelings of freedom when they migrated to these far off shores, so, too, have we in our movements as well. We added new dimensions of appreciation to the pliant scale of
awareness in our very souls as we moved into the western wilderness to continue an element of frontier living which had been ours since those first, fearful days on the Atlantic coast. We have found our way into every crevice of this Earth and we have now placed footholds on the threshold of worlds beyond in space travel.

It is not going to be easy. We have among us evil forces intent upon confusing our goals

Monday, July 03, 2006

William Shakespeare was an expert at fashioning unusual insults. He wove such badgering gems out of the common language of his day. He used them with special needs caused him to find a way to explain subtle counterpoint ideas to the less learned pit peasantry standees as well. He took both families involved in the Romeo and Juliet thing and wished a "pox" or a "plague" on both often. He spoke of something which had immediate affect on the fine persons seated on the edge of the stage and of the less-advantaged peasantry as standees.

The county officials who are the governing body of a small town in Augusta County, Virginia know locally as "The Board of Supervisors" was found to have spent $440,000 of tax-generated fund for a "survey" by a private agency which would determine if the small community could handle the founding a mega-industrial complex in it's midst. Those facts did not come to light by means of a formal announcement from the governmental body, but, rather from an inquiry by a lady from a different part of the county asking the Staunton, Virginia "News-Leader" wherein the laws concerning factual truth-telling might apply. She was concerned by the fact that such a large amount had been paid for what appeared to be a simple simple asking around to determine what he coming of such a large industrial development might affect the area. She was also concerned with the obvious fact that the Board was keeping it all as their own, little, dark secret. That triggered general widespread reactions, as you might expect it could.

The Board resisted public outcry asking that the information be made public Two members of the Board itself, on two occasions, asked that the information be published, but the Board refused and stalled for the better part of a month promising clarification when the $440,000 -paid for - questionnaire form was

completed. The doubtful nature of that agency "study" was quite early made suspect when the head of the Shenandoah Valley Airport Authority , next-door
neighbor to the 1600 acre industrial plant asked why the agency making they had not called on them as a next-door neighbor to the project.

The affair is not concluded. -giant Toyota automobile assembly plant is not to be here - if anywhere, for that matter but the Board of Super-persons is still bickering with a local holder of 600 acres he is willing to part with for
a third or fourth nearby "industrial park" with sites for twenty-three small plants.

Beyond all doubt, the real opportunity seems to be in taking surveys.

Andrew McCaskey 7-3-06 [c457wds]

Sunday, July 02, 2006

We are all – each of us – is serving, - even now – as a sentry, knowingly or unknowingly in an active army of militant persons dedicated and fore sworn to that which we might call Righteousness...Good....Propriety...Decency and Fair Play.

We weaken our urge to act when we relate such unifying ideals giving purpose to living with our, oft times, rather shallows religious professions. Often that which we say we believe is not at all in sync with that which we actually accept and practice in our daily living routine.

We fail ,as a rule, to take seriously the responsibility we have to guard our traditional cultural values with proper care and dedication, Too often we are satisfied to place show-place protection in obvious places to warn any trouble-makers that we are prepared to stop them. Look, if you will at the impressive guards around Buckingham Palace, in London, They are admired for their discipline and remarkable ability to ignore all manner of foolishness designed make them laugh. They seem to thrive on this strange manner of torture. It is chiefly for show. Let a serious incident occur, however, and you will be amazed at the sudden support he has at his bidding in the nearby guardhouse, shelter or hallway.

Most of us who have done military service remember sentry duty as being the absolute epitome of dullness. It is, we who have done military service, think of guard duty as being the absolute epitome dullness. Doing nothing at all is difficult.

Right now now as the July 4th time of the year draws near wed are reminded of the pledges our forefathers made to each other as they fashioned the new, independent nation which is out heritage. They set up numerous safeguards which have acted as protective caretakers sustaining the strength and enduring values of the new nation. Compared to the history of other nations, ours has been one with and amazingly placid existence.

Citizens have, by and large, have accepted the obligations which our ancestors said were ours to continue without end. We must be part and parcel of the sense that we must vote our preferences for leaders and support them in their work insofar as we think best for the nation. We must guard this right to vote. We have also promised to defend the nation against all enemies. Herein we, have faltered from time to time. Thus far we have kept our guard up and strong.

On this July 4th of 2006 – a good many years since 1776 – say a short prayer of thankfulness for the Power which has enabled us to do so.

Andrew McCaskey 7-2-06 [c457wds]




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