NOW! YOUR TURN! Go ahead! Say it!
Don't hold back on one little bit of it!
Whatever it is you feel you would like to tell the world about, right now is the very best time you may ever have in which to get it all said and heard.
Don' t hold back on anything! We are in the final heat of an Election Time when lies of the utmost proportions and complexities can be spelled out in the finest ways, seasoned with special party-type goodies and be readily believed, accepted...even,for a time, greatly praised, admired and honored. Told at any other time of the political year each magnificent plan would beheld suspect and awkward questions would be set forth.
I have never quite understood why it happens, but Truth expands in proportional terms and does well in travel with small embellishments from time-to-time to meet "local" needs. The presence of television cameras at Stop One has modified the natural tendency to widen by the continued presence of that same, self-preserving political savvy which overcame the sudden absence of "smoke-filled-rooms" in American political life styles. It can certainly deal with dials and a few electronic switches thrown with discretion - or else... as in "watch that frequency."
The greatest changes, I think, in our political presence - in our elections and political management are closely tied to eras, actions, fads, fancies and social frauds we have engaged in during our recent past. One of them titled "baby boomers" - a backlash in of a calender-based thing - is being beaten to death and blamed for all manner of trouble being experienced today. The nature of our election's visions will change in accordance with changes taking place in the character of persons who step forward as candidates and the people who vote for or against them. "Baby Boomers" would be just on of many who will influence our choice tomorrow. We have yet to know what the ultimate affects will be on our society by our excessive permissiveness in educational and behavioral routines of thirty or forty years ago, the steady lowering of educational standards at all levels, the outright annarchy of the '60's among students, peace lovers, protest marchers of every type reagarding varied views of every subject - religion, art, sex deviations, war, racisim, and we meet with today. We must yet pay the piper for millions of miles of protest, parades, walks, rides, sit-ins, downs, unders and atops and with the almost total elimination of such subjects as civics, geography, history, hygiene, and comparative languages and religions of the world from school curriculum lists at all levels as they would normally apply.
On our historical road ahead we will see the what each of these behavioral phases has had on our basic principles of governing ourselves. Be assured each will affect us, perhaps in some subtle, unseen ways. We can expect to be making such adjustments for the next half century or so.
At Election Times they will be re-occurring - each in it's turn.
Andrew McCaskey 10-31-06 [c518wds]