Topic: Commentary and Essays on Life and Events

This Blog has run for over 70 years of Print, Radio and Internet commentary. "Topic" is a daily column series written and presented by Andrew McCaskey for radio broadcast and print since February, 1932.
Saturday, September 25, 2004

All of us play favorites. Each of us, admit it or not, models himself or herself after someone who has been most influential the form of their way of life.

More likely than not, the model you use is a corporate blending you have build from associations with several persons who have crossed your path .No one person can be as perfect as that one we admire so completely.

That can be a vital point. So many of the choices of favorite people must be creative in the sense that they may come from any level of society – high or low, rich or poor, beautiful more-or-less and it can all be more of a cosmic presence of that special person in our life than an actual physical reality.

Such models as you chose may be held in secret if you wish. Their importance in our life need not be shouted from the rooftops or many public any way. Don't b e disturbed when you can't accept certain aspects of a person's life. Many sterling young men and women have successfully modeled their lives after those inventive, inquisitive and exploratory qualities of such men as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry David Thoreau and others who, many will point out, lacked the gene of geniality and found it difficult, at times, to get along well with family, friends, and associates and competently in dealing effectively with common worldly cares an necessities.

Think it over. Who are your models?

I have mine . Do your have yours?

Two or three these people to be emulated will be, no doubt, prove to have been teachers in your early school years, ministers in your religious life, artists - musicians, painters, actors, for example - as well as masons building a temple; a plowman weaving patterns in tree-framed field of loam and clay; a new mother training her child in the best path. Far too often parents - mothers and fathers - and siblings as well, are overlooked.

Be aware of the danger your ideal ones becoming too much of an influence on your life. Try to keep from become a blinds follower of an ideal which does not exist. Try not to duplicate their lives. Be willing -even eager – to accept changes. If not you, too, may miss out on the very opportunity which kept your ideal person from being even more successful than he or she was.

You may insist that you have no such pattern, no such template upon which you conscious fashion much of your life, but you do none the less. There is always he distinct danger that anyone who relies on such hit-or-miss guidance will adhere to the wrong or destructive types of leadership with dismal results assured. Some are so self-satisfied they cannot bring themselves to accept the idea of anyone needing a mentor or guide.

Now, take all of this one step ahead.

To whom are you, yourself, such an ideal? What young boys or girls are looking at the way you are living and planning their lives to fit the pattern you are showing them.?

That's a great responsibility.

A.L.M. September 24, 2004 [c534wds]

Friday, September 24, 2004

We have heard a great deal in the last years or so-much of it not to well-informed - about a place called Chechnya. In all truth, which can also found to be rare at many informational stocks these days, we didn't have the slightest idea where Chechnya was, other than the apparent fact that it must be a part of Russia – and an unhappy part thereof, as well.

It was a perfectly natural thing for us to go along with President Vladimir Putin and others who spoke of the “separatists”. We learned they have been that for centuries. The local tribes - who live by an ancient code of tribal association unknown at any other place in the world. The first Czar's molested them and by agreeing to be part of Russia, in theory, they were left alone – ignored. Native Chechnya patriots have long conducted a steady campaign of separation from Russia, including the Soviet Union, seeking a separate national existence. When what is now called Russia was set apart from the, Chechen patriots thought it only right that Chechnya be set apart from Russia. It didn't happen that way, of course. The Kremlin and Interior Ministry insisted the “separatists” be brought under control.

President Putin no longer speaks of them as “Separatists” as he used to do. He has, almost as if joining in on a fashion of our day, suddenly being quoted calling them “Terrorists.”

We need to realize that President Putin was correct on both counts.

We have an old saying which illustrates what happens when a few rotten apples are placed in a barrel of perfectly good apples, and that is the case in Chechnya. Separatist bravado has changed to barbarity of the ancient type as Al Qaeda advisers have moved in to change the methods by which Chechen has been fighting for its freedom. Osama bin Laden listed Chechen resistance as being a vital portion of his global religious war. The movement has even adopted the Islamic extremism tactic of financing their activities by securing money through charity fund drives around the world.

The ancient Chechnya tradition has a particular type of revenge known as “adat,” which may, in some, strange manner, bring about a solution to this tragic series of wrong judgments.

Now, at least, Russia and the United States are fighting a common enemy

A.L.M. September 23, 2004 [c404wds]

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Speak up!

Express yourself

What do you expect to get done just sitting there doing nothing?

Help out! Do your part! Stop goofing off!

It is both amazing and disgusting to see that so many Americans - those qualified to vote -fail to do so. We're talking about well over one half of the eligible voters, not just a piddlin' few part-timers,too. Some get excited about a particular contest, perhaps, but neglect the elections which chose governors for our states, Congressmen and Senators to represent our area. Foreign statistics lovers have a field day pointing out how a few people actually elect the President of the nation which claims to be the world “leading” democracy. It can't be the “largest” because India has a greater population. It can have “quality” if it cannot brag about quantity, as long as sufficient citizens actually believe in what they pretend to admire and want and support its basic principles. The initial step in doing so is to exercise your right to vote in each and every election for which you eligible. That's the only way to bring forth the majority needed to fully express the desires of the people as a whole rather than just as small, sometimes fractional faction

Show that you care.

There will always be some “holdouts” who, for some, personal reason think it is not a good thing for them not to vote because the government the help
elect may become involved in something “evil;” and that makes them equally guilty and subject to eternal damnation. Yes, there may well be persons who refuse to vote for so-called religious. Others fail to do so because they have never learned to make up their minds anything important in their lives and have, chronically, left such decisions to others who run their lives for them.

I realize that most people reading this sort of thing do vote, but in all honesty, I realize that some of you have not registered and do not intend to vote in November. Here in Virginia the last date to do so is October 1st, I believe, but it may vary in different states. You can check that out and get started to taking your part in determining the way of this, our nation, and, perhaps much of the world.

Chronic non-voters, oddly enough, are very often quite forward in the audible and physical expression of “politic concerns.” They can and will harangue and march in protest against anything which they think they can argue is askew. Too often loud-mouths are activated non-voters. Listen carefully in the second week of November this year and see if you can pick 'em out.

A.L.M. September 22, 2004 [c456wds]

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I wonder what Emily Post, Amy Vanderbilt any of the other manner-minded authorities of the past would say if they were plumped down ,without warning, into today's social events swirl?

I don't think they would be too much disturbed. We haven't changed that much and I find we still do a great many “polite things” we have always done. That which we continue to do wrong, and even try to do more - is largely in the area of trying to attract attention to ourselves as individuals or groups.

Everything we do today is far more visible that it used to be. Our means of communicating with each other has increased many times over and that which used to be considered to be private is now semi-public,or, at least, shared among more persons. The use of cellular phones and of the Internet's ability to send short sentiments swirling around the Earth in seconds - has modified letter writing to the point that it would not be recognized as being authentic by Emily, Amy or any such persons who made a good living writing book about the proper way of best composing a letter for whatever purpose. I do not think they would be dramatically opposed to much that in the mode right now. After all, in many ways, when you stop to think about their stance, it is obvious that they were, at that time, really the avant-garde in teaching radically new and different and improved ways of writing.

I can remember the type of letter writing which preceded their new method of how a proper letter should be writing, for whatever purpose, and there was nothing more deadly as to creativity and to the expansion of communicative potential.

Prior to the '30's, when their ideas were set forth in the our newspapers, magazines and books, and books, letters of all types -so-called “business” letter or others were a terror to receive. They favored letter writing which met a need rather than that which filled obligations to rules and which were often used as missiles in a combat showing off who had the most training in a formal school sense. The new concept was disturbing to many schooled in the old ways but the reformers proved to be amazingly alert to what people wanted. I have a strong feeling they would accept our view of the needs we face today to letter writing.

In truth, the art had almost disappeared.

But, it is back again. Much attention is being paid to the kids making use of so-called instant Messaging” on the computers. It attracts not only children but adults as well and they soon tire of the terse will exchanges of cryptic messages back and forth in staccato silliness; they try to something with more body. You will find instant writers are now writing longer messages to a few select associates. Furthermore, the computer provides instant access and more letters are being written than would have been done under the old methods. A half page of text exchanged several items weekly is far better that the long, two-pager we used to write once every month or two.

Style suffers, I must admit, and in that respect our panel of used authorities - Post and Vanderbilt - would be disturbed by the lack of style, by limited vocabulary, dependency, by some, on slang and abbreviations beyond comprehension. Emily Post, as I recall, came along early in the era and she was fading out, becoming a bit over worn, perhaps, when newcomer Amy Vanderbilt was gaining attentions in the magazines and on radio. The two of them covered a large number of years and they did so at a time when our language was undergoing shifts and changes at a fantastic rate.

Letter writing is reviving with the increased use of the personal computer, cell phone and other such gadgets which are in a phase of proliferation without precedent.

A.L.M. September 21, 2004 [c670wds]

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

It is are relief during this election time, to hear the candidates lighten up a bit from and time-to-time and to see hear them say something not at all connected with the election issues or non-issues which have been beaten to a near-death state.

The welcome sound of something trivial or even silly is a welcome treat at such moments. Our overly long election routine is a good place to find boredom built in, so to speak and the speakers, too, come to such a point often.

I have been caught in situations, personally, when a good, dependable, story was needed to allow me time to think about what I really wanted to say. It is adaptable and can be told and re-told to audiences of all ages since it depend largely on your ability to handle two direction terms – the “ins”and the “outs”. You will find it to be amazingly flexible, too and the more your tell it the more you realize that it never gets the two word punch line by exactly the same route.

Here is the gist of the story but you are to work it out in your own way as you go along. You have to follow the lead of audience response and if you feel they can take another twist add one ...perhaps another. Do not drag it out too long, however. The two word punch line can be dumped deftly at almost any place along the way.

Remember: two word -”in” and out” are your major concern.

“There was once a Mama Skunk who had two little boy skunks. One she had name “Out” and the other was called “In”. They were very well behaved as little skunks go, and she had very little trouble with them except when she sent them out to play. “Out” she would say, “go get your brother In and go out to play. I' ll get supper ready and when I want you to come in I will call out of the door. So the little skunks Out and In would go out to play until Mama Skunk called out of the kitchen door for them to come in. She would hold the door open and call out loudly” “ Out! In! It's time for you to come in. You've been out long enough Come in!” And, she was greeted by the sound of running skunk feet and in walked Out - alone. “

“ Where is your brother In, Out? In went out when you did but when you, Out came in I called out standing in the doorway calling.. You came in right away, but In must have stayed out there – and it is getting dark! How can that boy do that to me, his Mama!? It happens again and again! [REPEAT MAMA SKUNKS DETAILS OF THE INCIDENT AGAIN WITH A SENSE OF GROWING FRUSTRATION AND ANGER]...THEN....

“Out, honey, I hate to send you out again, Out, but could you go out; find In and bring him in. In has been out too long. He had better come in, Out . Go out and see if you can bring In in, In, please! See if you can find In as you always do Find Out and bring in In. I've looked everywhere out there but I can never find out where In is hiding out! Go out Out and bring In in. His supper's gettin' cold.

Out skunk went out and in a minute or so the big door opens and Out ushers In in and who goes right to his cool supper.

Mama thanked Out for bringing In in again. “You are a marvel, precious skunk son of mine! How do you do it? Are you gifted? Clairvoyant, perhaps?

“No, Mama I just go outside and take a deep breath. It's easy to find him, Mama. In stinks!”

A.L. M. September 20, 2004 [c661wds]

Monday, September 20, 2004

His native Mongolian name, we are told, was Tamer. In his youthful years, however,when he was struck in the knee by and arrant arrow he picked up and added designation as Timur-i lang, or something to that linguistic effect. That short-term nickname, which separated him from the usual run of Tamors, Timors and Timurs I suppose was, for a short time, the Tamer who limped when he walked. That tag ,logically, seems to have become and actual portion of his name in his ultimate time of fame, due, perhaps, to a rather loose habit of spelling things as they sounded in a time when grammar and lexicography were not deemed to be important in judging a man for what he really might be.

As Tamerlane,this crippled youth, mounted on his favorite horse, became the scourge of the entire generation in which he lived a man known to be fearless in all forms of danger, widely known and reverenced by men of might, brawn and dexterity throughout the known world of his time.

While others, without his stern will self-motivational powers, might have withdrawn from the fray entirely claiming to be, in all likelihood handicapped. Tamerlane is said to have sought out trouble where none seemed to exist. He dealt with it quickly, without mercy, ruthlessly, we say today,and went on to other things which, in his judgment had to be settled once and for all. His fame rested, so often, on his latest, cruelest accomplishment. There were no re-runs. His was a one-time onstage show and when he died in 1405 A.D. his empire disintegrated as well.

At this moment entering the 2lst century is and especially good time for us to review the actions of old Tam. He has also been called (quote)The Sword of Islam.(Unquote) He belonged to a Turkish Mongol clan which had accompanied the Mongol armies westward and settled in the Karshi Valley near Samarakand. He was born April 9, 1336, in what is today Uzbeckistan. The area was vast administrated ineptly by various strong men. Tamerlane associated himself with one of them and even after a crippling defeat gained complete control. He set himself up at Samarakand and began his conquest to the east and west. Never has and area be so devastated as were Syria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and other areas well known to us today. The so-called atrocities of the present war in Iraq and Afghanistan are petty little incidents compared to those purpertrated by Tamerlane - called The Great by many who admired him - and his deeds. A mention of several might suffice: At Sabzawar in Afghanistan, Tamerlane directed that a tower be constructed out of live men heaped on top of one another and cemented together with brick and mortar. At Isfahan he ordered a general massacre and used the heads of seventy thousand people be used to build a memorial minaret. Taking Baghdad in June 1401 the slaughter which followed was so severe that the dead were piled us as one hundred twenty towers overlooking the ruins of the city. He set off in August of 1404 to reconquer China which had only recently escaped from the previous Mongolian occupation.

Americans and Europeans had best glance at the many books written about Tamerlane to gain some perspectives of the nature of the enemy we face in our immediate future unless conditions change soon ...and radically so both here and

The sword of Islam has been unsheathed.

It appears that leaders of the Tamerlane type are in charge and working to win while we are debating among ourselves if this is, as some insist, is, indeed another war between the world's two major faiths ...Islam and Christianity.

What have you decided?

A.L.M. September 19, 2004 [c635wds]

Sunday, September 19, 2004

There has never been a time, I suppose, when Mankind did not look into the heavens above – especially at night - and say softly to himself: ”If I could come to know what makes all that work, I'd know all worth knowing!”

And, certainly ever since well before thew day when we first started counting time in B.C./ A.D. Terms, we have been constructing machines designed to help us learn how the galaxy functions. One of the earliest such gadgets is a small, many-wheeled, cogged and shafted creation powered by hand called the “Antikychera” - from its place of origin - the “Rhodes Calculator”.

Now a museum piece, it was in thought to have been part of the creative handiwork of a philosopher, mathematician and astronomer by the name of Posidonius. He lived on the island of Rhodes, the largest of the Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea south of Greece. In in 87 B.C.,or thereabouts, and played and active role in extending studies of the universe as it was then understood.

He mechanism, was made to duplicate the movements of the known planets and of the moon and was not intended for any additional purpose. We have to remember ,too, that on the island of Rhodes, at that time, the concept of the universe was quite primitive. They thought of the earth as a large solid afloat on a vast sea with and inverted bowl above in which the stars and the moon appeared at night. The mechanism was designed to duplicate those movements of the planets as then known to exist and that of the Moon.. An interesting question has arisen in more recent years raising the question as to the use of the machine.
It may well have been used more by those persons interesting in astrology rather than astronomy where a more exacting rule of accuracy might be sought. Such and assumption may well be correct, but I find that it is difficult to tell one from the other during those formative years. Those who advance the astrology emphasis suggest that, of the two, astrology may we well have been the most profitable side of the fence of which and enterprising inventor type individual might locate himself. And investment in such a machine, hence, which would help their business and expense of r&d could, in time, be met and financial disaster averted, or, at least, delayed for a time.

The now rusted remains of the original machine have been duplicated in every detail and the replica tells us the invention did, indeed, “work”. Much depended, however,on the proper application of hand power by means of a level arrangement. Many people ,today, refer to it as “the forerunner of today's computers” which is stretching it a bit because it merely traced out the paths of the Moon and planets and left you sitting there no wiser than your were before you started turning the power handle. It reminds us, perhaps, that there are gadgets on the market today which do about the same for us. They swerve valuable purpose, none the less The man or men, who made that first antikychera machine, dreamed dreams far beyond their ability to make a machine which would be of genuine help, but they were delving into the potential. We have in our human minds the solution to life's most pressing problems, if we but work to seek them out.

What is your dream? It may not concern the world of philosophy,
economics, manufacturing or commerce but it can be so fashioned that other men and women can make it work to their advantage.

Dare to think and plan beyond your ability to perform that which now seems as if it would be a miracle.

A.L.M. September 23, 2004 [c636wds]




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