FOR BETTER OR WORSE The lasting harm which comes to a nation when leadership lapses into a time of wanton disregard of moral standards upon which we like to think the nation was originally founded.
Common sense tells us that our forefather were not perfect nor should we we expect out current leadership to be without flaws. We are rather socked when we find one of our chosen political personages turns out to be "despicable in every way". The immediate action taken is to "get rid of him", "kick him out of office", or threaten to imprison him . Much of that relates more clearly to us than to the associate we have now set apart as being a criminal.
We are, today, saying that "former" Congress person is no longer, a part of that governmental maze. He resigned before he could be fired. He then consigned his physical person to the care and confinement of an alcohol control rehab center. A few people praised him for such action saying he was "getting at the real cause of most of his troubles." Others were quick to state an opposite view suggesting that self-commitment concept was created to ward off some of unwanted media attentions which were bound to haunt his every step.
There is a understandable tendency of many to look at this entire Foley Affair as something which will restyle the Congress and even switch the leadership to the Democratic party. Unless it is heavily hyped it will not last until election time as a serious threat in such a massive manner as is being anticipated by Bush-bashers. By that time,however, there will, most probably, a few more incidents about which we can construct schemes and trouble making to distract election plans. One scandal seems to breed others, so don't be shocked if a real capper comes barreling along at any moment.
We mentioned the problem of ultimate form of danger which are done by the governmental scandals encourage. None of us can continue go see wrong being added to wrong and maintain our confidence in the form of government we profess to trust and obey.
Think of it if you cannot trust a public servant to use his e-mail properly how can we expect to handle our "first-class mail" properly?
Andrew McCaskey 10-6-06 [c-397wds]