Topic: Commentary and Essays on Life and Events

This Blog has run for over 70 years of Print, Radio and Internet commentary. "Topic" is a daily column series written and presented by Andrew McCaskey for radio broadcast and print since February, 1932.
Saturday, June 10, 2006

We are hearing a great deal of harsh criticism of television as we know it today, and is some cases,it seems, with good reason, or with more of legal-sounding severity -"with just cause."

That which has brought about changes in the way we live just about every aspect of our lives applies,just as aptly, to the entertainments we choose and the degree to which we seek to participate in them.

Television watching demands some personal discipline, just as other worthy interests do. It must be seen as a shower of special blessings we step into on purpose rather than a vagrant flow of tailings from nowhere in clarities which we allow to flow over us. In doing so, disillusionment and disappointment are being invited to take over our lives.

I agree that much of today's accepted television production output is than satisfactory for today somewhat edgy markets. There are needs for reform at all levels.

That, of course, includes us, since we are the intended recipients of the products being made; we are the ultimate users, we are the segment intended to benefit from the whole process of doing. If, then, we prove to be unaffected, wrong so or disappointed in any way, the project can only judged to have been a failure.

One way to measure what change are to be made in present-day TV production is to get what you feel confident is a cosmopolitan, across-the-grain "sample" group of people to list the names of show they "like" and those they "do not like". The reason why they do or do like a show will, at times, almost parrot each other finding opposite opinions. om time-to-time some average TV viewers do not really know what they want or expect but only that which they but only that which they might like at any given moment.

Over the years I have found it to to be an accurate judgment are, more often than not,in stark reality, often leaning toward being the exact opposite of that which claimed to being surveys and questionnaires. Those who said they wanted more classical music on radio did far better in quizzes centered on identifying hillbilly record stars than on leading singers of more sedate forms of music. The person who claims "violence is horrible" could tell me more about who was shot on what show ...when?...from what angle?...and why!

Before you get too detailed about which shows you like or dislike check over an "honest-injun" tally before you display your opinions in public. We have to make up our own minds concerning exactly what we mean by "too much sex stuff!"..." too much violence - guts!"..."too much profanity, cussing, ..", "too much profanity,searing,cussing,sacrilege ,obscenity!"

Watching TV over our own shoulders is one way of eliminating some of the faults we think we find with it. TV is young. We, as watchers are also young. We are growing up together. It may be difficult,for a time, to decide which side is maturing the fastest.

Andrew McCaskey 6-9-06 [c532wds]

Friday, June 09, 2006

I find it difficult try to explain away a feeling I do not have.

There seems to be something which keeps me from getting as excited and pleased as some people seem to be about the killing of the Number 2 man in the world wide terrorist organization in Iraq. I think it is natural to see average people equate all good and all evil within individuals and specific persons in the Iraqi setting, but our thinking in the west is - wrought on a somewhat higher plain. It should not be necessary to develop or build a symbolic individual to personify the beliefs, ideas, concepts and paraded as decorated tokens in the Al Qujida procession.

I doubt seriously doubt if the dead man was such a great help to Ben Laden wherever he may be. It may well be that repressed or falsified "facts"within and around the overall group which have been working together to improve some semblance of doing all sorts of things seeking to forward their long-range. Both "leaders",I feel, have far more help from other Arabic powers and a few "what's-in-i-for me?" individuals around the world in different settings than we realize. The borders of all states around Iraq are porous, shaky, indefinite, and most have wilderness conditions as their normal doormats. Hiding places are plentiful; trails weave among each other endlessly and local views of loyalty are flexible and usually writ in sand.

We have, I feel, been having been having border problems for some time now in places far removed from Mexico and Canada.

All areas around Iraq are suspect and others - elsewhere - will now begin to be seen as participants to a far greater extent than we ourselves have ever realized. I have some rather vague feeling in my bones which keep telling me again and again that all is far from being "hunky-dory" in the Middle East and several "elsewheres" which come to mind all too quickly.

Some people I know are elated. "We got Number Two!"

Did we? I wonder about that!
Andrew McCaskey 6-9-06 [c363wds]

Thursday, June 08, 2006

In November 1618, on the 18th day of that wintry month, the governing body of the Virginia Colony decided something ought to be done to convince people to decide to migrate and settle in the colony. With the approach of real winter weather just they were disheartened because new settlers were not coming in as fast as they thought they might or should.

The judicial body was not part of the British Royal government. It was called “The Quarter Court”. It was the rule-setting section of the Virginia Company authorized to run the Colony in Virginia as they thought best. The rules and regulations, which, in many cases, became a Grand Charter of
obligations, rights and privileges we enjoy.

The plan the court came up with was one which granted a gift of fifty acres of land to anyone who settled in the Virginia colony. It also gave a grant of fifty acres of land to anyone would pay transportation costs for bringing a settler to
the colony. Fifty acres of land per head gave rise to the term "headrights". The second portion of the plan attracted more participants than did the first section. It spread other areas as they grew.

The plan set up by the Virginia Company worked well enough that, when the Virginia Company was disbanded the Royal Government, through is Privy Council, took over and declared July 22, 1634 that the headright grants would continue to be issued. In time, such programs came to difficulties in establishing titles which had never been officially patented. There were conflicts with existing patents, as well. The Council modified the plan to demand that such grants had to be officially patented within one year.

Evil overtones became obvious, too. The system gave rise to many abuses The plot could be bought and sold resulting in a real estated nightmare and associated cheating. Manifests of incoming ships did not agree with total number of settler delivered.

Andrew McCaskey 6-9-06 [c337wds]

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The somewhat hesitant revelation of the details of a "Terrorist plot" in Canada "against something" indicates a fear which exists because of a vital element in our border control precautions.

The two nations share a four thousand mile border so a wall is ,automatically, eliminated in plans of either nation. We have had a remarkably stable relationship considering a wide selection of various governmental aberrations in some border states and provinces. I can remember harsh words being used at times, but military has been a phase, one might say, of actions against England and France rather than against the Canadian people. We had some common problems it can be said, which we each solved
in different ways. There have been disagreements in some products such as wheat and other grains - production, labor, in national and international marketing. We have shared labor and jobs and maintained a strong crossover rate and border contact points. Many Americans were disturbed by Canada's easy acceptance of American "draft dodgers" during World War II days, in particlar, I can remember thinking of men who wished to harm themselves and their families in such a way by running away from their obligations, we were, in a very real sense, fortunate to have a neighbor nation ready to take them in.

The current concern deals with foreign elements passing through Canada and then crossing int the United States.
is a far greater threat than the Mexican border. Both
are important, of course, but the Canadian is far more sophisticated with expanded systems of communication, highways, airport facilities, prime railroad systems from cost-to-coast, and a public. Americans are, generally, unaware of how inviting port cities such as Vancouver, British Columbia and bi-lingual Montreal might seem to be to foreign mind filled with ill intent for the
United States nearby.

The current incident is the second we have seen. How many such demonstrations do we need to encourage us to make the border with Canada secure? Such plans are underway, too, we are assured. It is more difficult to cross the border this week, and within a month we are being told passports will be required for any and all crossings. Suppose we keep an eye on that little promise. If that step is in effect a month or so from today we can judge how well the work is being done.

Andrew McCaskey 6-7-06 [c411wds]

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Several years ago,in these pages, we wondered what early settlers in the Shenandoah Valley did for entertainment or amusement. We decided they must have done a great deal of singing - the old songs, the ballads of their homelands - and they certainly must have told and re-told tales the natives told about their heritage.

Since I find no evidence to the contrary, I would cite "The Devil's Marble Yard" as one such story they told, and re-told often.

At one time, Indian legend has it, there was a small fragment of a tribal family living in an area of what is a now Rockbridge County which, later, came to be called "Arnold's Valley." It was a rocky area, not too inviting. I find no special name for the small native group living in the secluded niche. There is theory they were a remnant of larger body decimated and driven westward by costly wars with tribes to the East. They had a religious belief somewhat different from others. Fire played an important role in their religious rites. Each month, with the on set of the New Moon, they would gather in tree boughs, downed timber, pine cones and other flammable materials which they heaped over and around rock formations, either natural or ones they build by piling stones forming rough mounds. When the New Moon was just right, they lit ceremonial fires and danced around the flames. They worshiped their Great Spirit ideal with song and dance and offerings of maize, berries, chestnuts and other edibles. Some say they "roasted" whole deer and other forest creatures in the rock piles they formed. All of this honored the power
of the deity upon whom they depended so much to send the lightening bolts which set the forests afire and cleared new land where his gift of deer herds might pasture.

One day there arrived in this secluded area an aged White Man who was led there by a young, beautiful maiden. There is no mention of her being White or Indian so the tale is told ways.
The two strangers came in peace. They were accepted by the natives, honored as a Wise Old Man and his young and pretty maid. Both of them related wonderful stories about the God of the white men in distant lands. The tribal leaders set aside the old religious superstitions thinking the new way might bring them special blessings, security and prosperity. However, dark days followed. Severe drought hit the area. Heat destroyed their meager crops. Great suffering came upon the tribe. One night with he advent of the New Moon, the old ceremonial fire was lighted in an impressive glow at the flattest slab of marble and old superstitions o overwhelmed the Indians. The old white man and the maiden were blamed. They were bound and tossed into the fire! Sacrifice! The only way to placate their vengeful God and bring back good times!.To their awe and astonishment, two bright, ever-brighting stars shone forth on the far off rim of the sky! The sacrificial fire died in a sunken heap. Only embers and ashes remained. Silence!

As the sacrificial flames died on the marble slab beneath them gusts of violent wind tore through the forest; felled trees. The tribal leaders were swept away by the wall of downed trees and the wind and heavy rains swept the sacrificial marble slab clear and clean of debris.. Flames fingered the forest as lightening raced across the skies finding all who ran. Blistering fire fell from the sky and found them. The marble slab was stripped bare by the wind, pushing the wall of downed trees and by rain. Everything else was ablaze!

By morning the area was scene of desolation. Only a few of the tribe remained alive to tell of it all. To this day it remains a barren waste. It is said that no trees will grow there; not even noxious weeds. No grass or flowers. No birds fly overhead and neither can you find animal which does not turn and go around the haunted marble slab. Never can you find anything living there-on; not even a meandering insect.

A weird memorial to a tragic time! The early settlers much have wondered who the Old Man and beautiful maid might have been; from whence they came; how they came to be a part of such a tale? Look up at the skies at night when the New Moon in right. That's as good a place start as any, I'd say.

Andrew McCaskey 6-6-06 [c772wds]

Monday, June 05, 2006

There used to be opportunity for us to meeting new people and getting to develop fresh and enduring friendships by means of the fabulous reach of the Internet.

No more. We are,instead, seeking ways by which people - especially the young might avoid rather than seek such companionship which infests he system to a far greater extent that must people realize or are willing to admit. So many people take a “minds off” attitude. We are told we can avoid the reality which exists and in
keeping clear of the infection ourselves we, to a marked degree, are actually supporting it because effective opposition causes the spread of the debilitating disease-unnamed thus far – may be called “porn-itis."

I find it difficult to understand how elected governmental bodies permit so-called “Adult Stores” to continue to exist and to do their business selling illicit materials. They advertise, put-up signs telling what
they have for sale, maintain parking facilities - with extra “parking in the rear” for anyone who feels ashamed/or upset if someone sees them entering such a store. How civic leaders gets in such a moral bind is not too difficult to imagine, but how voters allow them to stay in their seats is puzzling. It suggests that “blame” for the condition
is wider spread than one might, at first, think it to be.

When attempts are made to put adult stores out of business, there are loud protests from people who do some knee-jerk screaming about the Justice authorities trying to take control of our freedoms. Other, probably, propose that the government take over such functions as have other governments trying to control control prostitution, the sale of alcholic beverages, of the moments of drugs of various kids, or most forms of gambling.

The sources of supply for these materials seem to routinely sell well and stocks remain unimpared. Placement supplies of such games,play things and sex-oriented articles of many articles are quickly obtained and new stocks refill the empty shelves promptly. No doubt some of the manufactured items must now be made in China to our designs and specifications. I have not seen any news items saying that any such overseas shipments have been given other than expedited treatment.

One is forced to wonder if any genuine attempt is being mad at all to curb such sordid materials at any level – manufacture, distribution, or a the point of retail sales. Porn is another billion-dollar business many people do not wish see disturbed.

Andrew McCaskey 6-5-06 [c437wds]

Sunday, June 04, 2006

What single event will happen, or has already happened, this day which will change the course of Mankind for all time?

Or, if that's too big an order for you, what about an event or, perhaps, a series of actions - now in progress which will be marked important to you, your career or your family?

Fortunately, we do not know and cannot really guess at what might be. Such knowledge as that would take the strange element of mystery of our lives. The zest for living is based on a type of curiosity also known as education. As we acquire such knowledge we also take on new responsibilities needed to properly care for of new awareness and to manage it to best advantage.

The world in which such an event will take place is constantly changing, as well, and that makes it a difficult platform on which we must work out our individual lot. Nature's changes are a fantastic group within themselves. Hurricane Kristina and associated storms were and example of the way in which the Nature can disrupt man's plans and show him as the weakling he is and will continue to be. Meeting her challenges also shows mankind how one can profit by making intelligent use of such encounters as they occur.

Were you, too, among those of us who were disappointed in network television's recent attemptg to create inventors and invention. Money - even the generous amount kicked around so prominently on the recent series is not the proper key to finding inventors and in inventions. Too often, a person in that money mode comes up with and idea which will please those persons handing out the wealth, rather than to try to meet the actual needs of people who actually need for a innovative product or system.

If the TV producers have any funds left, could we have a try a reversed format next time? Use a major new actual needs illustrated and ask for viewers top come up with a gizmo, gadget or system to meet that need.

Andrew McCaskey 6-4-06 [c402wds]




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