TWOSOME How secure do you feel?
This morning, more people are probably aware of that worry because of two events in the news.
One such incident, of course, is the firing of test missiles by North Korea's nutty ruler. When we realize how far off base that boy-boy-born-a-junior-dictator, following the rule was better at hiding his lack of furnishings in the upper levels of his being. When we look at past actions of that troubled regime just a few miles north of Seoul it doesn't take much of promotional push to make us wonder if Jung Jr. has every had any idea about taking over the United States or California, at least, so he can lay claim to Hollywood's stock of old movies. He is a passionate film-owner and is said to have collection of thirty-thousand or more foreign movies on file. He is apparently not aware of the fact that most of our old films are really in the stock rooms of TV stations all over the fifty states from which we watch them endlessly.
Today, for the first time in many month, I have overheard people speaking about rocket types, the range of various models and potential targets as well as mention of atomic "pay loads". Some of this may stem from the recent tossing of missile junk into the Gaza, by the unsettled nature of leadership flexing missile muscles in North Korea.
One Japanese newspaper, I understand, this morning published a statement claiming that the one large missile fired from North Korean was purposely aimed to hit "near Hawaii." If they back such a claim with proof a lot of people are going to be talking about "a second Pearl Harbor!" I also heard on TV that one of the rockets fired fizzled out after forty-two or forty nine seconds into flight. Wouldn't that be the very one the Japanese paper is alleged to be writing about? It fell in to the Sea of Japan somewhat short of whatever its objective may have been. I heard the report of the dud missile early this morning as a report gloating
over the fact that the entire lot may have been of inferior quality and useful only as demo junk.
The second item in "Twosome" from today' news is closer to home:
"FBI admits finding plan to blow up Holland Tunnel!" or words to that effect where tabloided at us in stark black and white this morning. By this time millions of people around the world know more about the story than we do! I want to know why we - mere citizens ,it appears - were not told! When did all this almost happen? Who determines what we are to be let-in-on and what is to be concealed from us - for how long and who decides how much we are to be told?
What else, I wonder has being... and shall continue to be kept secret from us - by whom and why!
Andrew McCaskey 7-7-06 [c512wds]