AGAIN? You don't have to be very old to have a memory of our having been, as a nation, through so much of this before - a time when some young up-start nation or an older one - even a truly great one in the past - is currently under the control of a personality - young, old, prime or faded - who is convinced he alone knows the right way to go to get wherever he thinks he wants to be without too much effort expended.
Replace today's national leaders'; place their name and nation in the news headlines of today where such characters as Jong Jr. of North Korea where to remind you how old this entire ploy really happens to be. The modernization efforts have been do poorly done that critical defects are evident to the most casual observer.
Among the questions we are asking in on somehow we are hedging and not getting too close to the real problems. We are asking others if they think the U. N. should apply sanctions, boycotts, and other political and economic barriers to thwart his threatened rocketry demonstrations. We ask the question with a straight face knowing full well that the United Nations will not, in fact -can not, be too critical of anything Jong Jr. might wish do. The haven't been concerned with the needs of other needy people around the world, so why start anything new and potentially dangerous to their
own well-being? Japan and Great Britain are the only larger powers we can consider to be on our side.
Japan , with real estate holdings on the edge of potentially affected
area, must look at Hung Jr's plans as threatening to lob one of his missiles into Tokyo. He can re-do the railway crash script which caused Spain
to withdraw support of our efforts in Iraq. Tactics of that nature are not beyond the leanings and of Jr. Jong. He is well aware of Terrorist groups since they have, for years, been active munitions and ordnance trading partners.
We have an "at home" problem as well. There will be thousands of people here in the United States who will gleefully forget whatever it is they are presently against and take up with those who feel they must help Jong Jr. in whatever ways they can.
Our real battle is, however, not with Jong Jr. and his movie-mind misconceptions of world affairs. Our true battle to save the hearts, minds and very souls of many Americans which are withering away in a myriad number of seen and unseen ways. We are less appreciative of what it means - and has long been - to be American. It is not true in every case, but the next time you are talking with that recent immigrant you should know by his time, ask him or her to tell you what it means.
Andrew McCaskey 7-6-06 [c-487wds]