There is probably no better time for us to observe the many ways in which we are different - one from another - than Election Time.
That is one of the few time in which are asked to state some indication of our feelings openly and show how we feel about certain subjects which are of which are mutual concern to all of us. We tend to see single subjects in rather strange, mystifying lights and realize we each have individual personalities which cause us to be in disagreement with friends and family.
Days, weeks and months such as we are presently living within present us with choices which, when decided by our actions, are critical the very life of our nation. We are choosing leaders who will be called upon to make proper choices for our nation to walk the the best paths. Some ways will promise potential good while other may place us all in danger. It is important that we, during this election period in particular making much more detailed demand on voters to commit themselves on themes, philosophies, of widely extended and re-defined situations we have avoided in the past. Excessive off-shore suicide by American industry, manufacturing, business, plus various desecration of the Arts and Culture. You are to take part in this national re-construction. You are being called upon to cast your strength and courage into a host of activities relative to fundamentals of our national way of life.
As yet, in its "primary" phase, it seems evident that we voters are going to be asked if we, for instance, can accept a woman as president; a black man, or someone who adheres to a religious faith other than ones on
the so-called approved list or the "None" route. You will be asked how you feel about continuing the "wars" currently in progress or seeing them expanded into new areas. Obfuscations on moral matters and educational concerns are apparent at every level of our society.
Yet remaining in the "Convention's stage" the yet to be designated "smoke-filled rooms" await us as a critical point in our ship-of-state design and construction where so many seemingly pacesetting campaigns have been adjusted and modified in the past to be workable in the voting booths of our nation.
Andrew McCaskey Sr amccsr@.comcast.net [c398wds] 8-7-07.