EXIBITS There are several words which have mutated severely in recent years in the popular music world.
The term "concert" has been cheapened in my view.
We used think of a "concert" for example, as being a performance by group of musicians who appear together in a planned program of musical selections. Individual
did appear in concerts, of course, but, to accommodate such a narrow,restricted view one must ignore th fundamental meaning of the term meaning: to agree,to unify,to bring about containment.
It sounds much better to say one is going to sing a few songs between sales segment at a local furniture store or radio and TV commercials segments which could also be called "concerts" in that they all agree on varied means of gain some of some of your supposed wealthiness the musician himself speaks of as "the gig I'm doin' at..." gets blown into "a concert" by some strange reasoning. Many a parent of teen-agers feel better telling friend their kids are "taking in some,big concert in own tonight. Be late gettin' home ,I imagine."
I dislike it when the morning shows on TV do "concerts" from such-and-such a nearby park. Such haphazard fillers are especially networks are doing the same economy routine by sticking a microphone or two out of their studio windows, more or less, so personalities can comment in laudatory profusion rating second-grade performances in profusion before audiences who are there for anything free.
This is just a minor thing I realize but such small mental dust bunnies tend to pile up and viewers are lost. I had another such fault of such great importance in mind when I began this page, but it has been forgotten by this time. On the whole I am a TV regular which is one reason I don't stand around and do nothing
when I see it hurting itself.
Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 12-8-06 [c331wds]