One seemingly sure way to make a fine fortune quickly is to learn early in life to get especially good a being very bad.
You, if you make such a choice to become an actor have to realize you will always be the "heavy" and, the "hero". Part of making such a deliberate adjustment is a honest realization that without "villains" no "heroes" exist. Which, then would seems to be most important?
Think about that if you have to make such a decision. Actors who depict a flaw in a character real or imaginary have more materials with which he can work to give his study remarkable qualities - contrasts and comparisons - make his study more beneficial,. accurate and more worthy.
We have an electoral procedure in this country which calls upon citizens to vote at regular intervals. The nature of the balloting depends in who is up for re-election or replacement with new office holders. The offices voted upon are scattered and less controlled than our major presidential elections held every four years. The system as evidenced by last weeks action is in dire need of reform - in depth. Many current practices simply do not meet common sense requirements needed to maintain honesty. Many current practices simply did not do so. Misuse was common in all parties. Excellent television coverage this year revealed may changes are badly needed - much overdue in most areas. We can not fight in foreign lands while letting own systems rot from within.
The "Deep Throat" has never been settled. The men who stole "the Pentagon Papers" and others and led us to believe they came from the highest government officials, did wrong. An aged clerk character seeps out of a darkened garage setting to gossip with nosey news persons. C'mon, now! Grow up!
The recent election as seen and heard world wide. You will. I am as sure as I am sitting here writing this, that we will - in some way - be told - even shown - some thing about their feelings.
Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 11-13-06 [c-351wds]