LAST LASHING LIBERTIES. This is the last week of the year in which you can be as impolite, hateful, despicable and downright nasty with people about you if you choose to do so - and get away with it - unscathed!
Just memories of past experiences can trigger hate and distrust at this time of each single year. They certainly do in quad-years when we go though some amazing governmental actions.
At other times of the extremes in the puzzling days our lives, we can - if it be an election year - get away with calling even a big brute of a man a liar, cheat, a thief or other such type of sub-human - not only with impunity but even with the sound in massive gongs of praise and gratitude for our having expressed the public sentiment so well- so imposingly and so deftly.
This year, I think, may well have been the one which has touched the bottom of the wordy pit. We have experienced an actual year of war in one of the Earth's most inhospitable regions; we have anger, distrust, suspicion and fears-of-sorts in our hearts and heads concerning events which took place "years ago but which remain very much a part of our national sense of enduring values.
The harsh words we use - the comparisons bordering on indecent at times, are a futile play. of course. They are "plays" rather than "dramas" they could and should be. We gain little by trying always to be different. Intent often sets the goals.
Perhaps, the paucity of serious thought and truly innovative actions and the use of common, street language terms really show up our distinctive lack of serious intent, our squandered educational aims and turns, and poor vocabularies to go right
with such instructional ineptness and lassitude.
Every recent election time has roiled up a froth of protests again "negative" advertising. It is a symptom of much that has taken place in other modes of dissemination of the vast treasure of which we have acquired but don't know, as yet, how to make proper use of for our mutual betterment.
We thrive on pettiness and avoid the challenge of becoming a create being destined to have "dominion" over all.
Have a good Election Day. Get your little piece for democracy "said" - electronically now, of course. Do your part with new, better more efficient equipment for recording and saving our same old, tired and re-treaded ideas, thoughts - have yet another try to hit back at hurt which has come your way!
Andrew McCaskey 11-6-06 [c436wds]