HALLOW-WHAT? I have been shaken up a bit by the fact that, during this period called "Halloween", so many people, it appears, will approve of, accept and modify their lives; re-shape their personal conduct, approve of, accept and re-shape their way of living because they have believed far too much of the sheer Election Time drivel which inundated all of us by participants of Mid Term Election activities.
It is not at all difficult for one to see many Halloween features as a part of the political phase. "All Saints Day" has been commercially cobbleled into something for the small children market levels. Adults guided their younglings through what adults seem to view it all as being a fully-costumed instructional event teaching the small children the realities which will occur in their lives in the years ahead It not hard to see the dressed-up visitors at your residential door as participants in a fantasy - a faked, false and foolish "primary" sampling to enable use to decide which is most worthy.
In the end the winners will be those whose parents could best afford to buy the better costumes. The next weeks winners will be those could afford to buy the better TV spots and newspaper pages.
But, before we ask Congress to blend the two celebrations, let's let them work some more on a way to make Halloween a Monday holiday to give us another "long week-end" break.
Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 11-3-06 [c257wds]