It's a small wonder we don't have more wars than we do, considering how often we, and how easily, we seem to disagree with each other.
If you still think there are two sides to every question you'd better get yourself a new, improved trouble counter. That old saw has not been true since Day One.
The youth of many lands arrive a time when they discover - suddenly, as a rule, and without warning – that there is “ an army way” of doing a set deed. Things in real life are not all accomplished by the logical means Momma and Papa told you about. There, in truth multiple ways of doing any one thing “properly.”
One of the most disturbing points in our religious thinking has been the problem of determining what we have ever meant by such terms as “Day One” or “First day.” You can find all sorts of sensible arguments naming just about any set time to be the “proper one. We have split denominational evidences aplenty to show how effective that line of thinking has not been.
And it affects other aspects of our daily living as well.
After a lifetime, in some cases, we have been told that both he the common tomato and cucumber are not vegetables. The are both fruits. Historically, too, we believe both to have been toxic in the our grandparent's time. Thomas Jefferson raised tomatoes as ornamentals but not as food. My grandmother forbade our eating cucumbers on the same day we had ice cream.
If you feel you are running short of things about whih yomight like to argue with your friend and former friends, there are tempting lists on line of such subject.If you feel you are running short of things about which you might like to argue with your friend and former friends, there are tempting lists on line of such subject. Here are several from a list I came across just this past week:
“A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.”
“Women blink twice as much as men.”
“Human eyes are always the same size from birth, but men's noses and ears never stop growing.”
“It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.”
“February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.”
Now, there's one that's going to take some explaining. Do you feel up to it? Take any side and have at it!
Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 8-27-06 [c391wds]