Our village is a unwilling victim of mega-industrial takeover. The adamant refusal of the governing body the Augusta County (Va.) Board of Supervisors to inform citizens as top the exact, and general nature of the proposed industry.
They have, it is reported, just recently completed a $440,000 survey or study of the proposed plant using tax money to do so and is now being urged by a concerned populace that we be told the proposed location and general nature of the potential new member of the area's industry.
One of the major factors against any such proposal has been the secrecy with which the Board has handled the project. They have concealed their at of spending what is an enormous amount ($440,000) for just a study of that exploratory nature. Such a pattern of secret activities has caused the formation and spread of many rumors some false, some half-true and some wild fantasy. The rumors denies the original stated a need for 600 acres. It now stands as "about 1600-2000 acres. All of the land listed between the Shenandoah Valley Airport and Interstate 81. Thus far,no one has been told just how much of that area will be put "under roof":under roof and how much will be merely "surfaced".
People who seek a comparative site find that the Wal-Mart Distribution Center at Mount Crawford covers a mere 150 acres. Others are comparing the Target location at Stuarts Draft and the Best Buys facility at Verona. I am eager to see how the latest revelations will affect the newcomer's stated need for two million gallons of water per day, and what about the problems of sewage and of run off safeguards made essential by such massive changes in terrain.
The Mega Industry of Weyers Cave,Va, bubble is about to burst! I say that because I was surprised, when I checked the Internet last night to see that both Google and YAHOO "News" both have extended news coverage of this rural happening in Virginia .The spark which will caused the whole thing to blow
up - that moment when FOX News or some of the more aggressive talk radio personalities - Russ Limbaugh and Neal Boortz - both broadcast locally - get word of the threats of eminent domain acquisition takeovers!
Andrew McCaskey amccsr@adelphia.net 6-1-06 [c401wds]