PREDICTION TIME There are still some things we can always count on. Right now – at this very moment – somewhere in this modern world of ours, there is a radio announcer who is telling his listeners there are just so-many more shopping days left until Christmas! That’s one of the many expressions from our curious, flexible language which in spite overuse and unseasonable applications concerning potential dangers ahead!
I have another one handy which is getting just a bit worn with overuse:“How many Christmas Seasons will have come and gone before anything is done about the gift to the world - made years ago - concerning an overall "Clean Up" of the United Nations organization?
We hear about suggested plans for the buildings there among the sagging flags of so many nations, but very little about some much needed "Department of Human Resources" which used to be the office where the Personnel Ax was kept for use as needed. The last such building plan I heard about was one which called on us to buy a sizable building nearby into which we could move all of the present UN offices which would,you see, allow us to work better refurbishing and/or rebuilding the woefully dilapidated structure in which they are currently housed. A strong argument in favor of this second-building plan is that we can then “sell” that temporary building - re-furbished, of course, refurnished and enlarged a bit here and there – to the expanding United Nations organization. We can feel fee to donate any income which might occur to UN Maintenance and Janitorial Services. The needs for two sets of buildings is greater than for one.
There are lingering odors in upper floors of the main building from Iraqi oil deals and mis-deals. The only way they can be removed is for someone in charge to send the people packing who put them there. How many years ago was it when all that was happening?
Let's see now...if this is the tag end of the month called June, so - we ought to, maybe, hear about something being done at the UN by ten shopping days before Christmas of 2006 or "07!
Andrew McCaskey 6-27-06 [c377wds]