THE BALANCE There are people among us who insist that this Earth of ours and the society composing all such habitants have the world are set on downward, ruinous course.
I can't believe it is so universally bad as some insist it has already become.
I suppose it is natural for each generation to think of themselves as having been "put upon" to a greater degree than others; that their shortcomings were too severely punished. With such a hindsight iew, it might be possible to find some of the curative actions taken to have been too strict, perhaps, but, by and large, the balance maintained seems to have helped solved many of the problems for that partricular group or faction. Fairness not always judged strictly by numbers, but, rather, by enduring qualities of native improvements.
Right now I find people who think they have it rough because they are, or not, counted as being "baby boomers." Other complainers pin the problem to "war", "The War" or specific ones such as "Afgan", "Iraq", "Desert", "Panama", various parts of old Tito-land as well as our current war on Terrorism. Various people choose aspects of these during which they were born to explain any cause of living.
I have had a special lot if such eras on which I can blame all my failures. I was born during the World War I era; lived through the prosperous years up to 1929; thru all of the Great Depression years and my life changed radically to adjust to the demands
of World War II and also the years of recovery after the war - always, for me, five years or so behind schedule in everything done. Yes, I agree that when you were born does play an important role in our lives and our individual accomplishments. The important thing to remember is that it must not be used as a crutch for support during all manner of ills physical or social in nature.. We must train ourselves to see the background as part
of the overall picture and one of the many reasons why we have done certain things correctly...perhaps differently than others - but adequate and proper to meet today's essential needs.
Use your background - what you have been - to become what you wish to be. Profit from the right choices you made; become aware of errors and avoid such pitfalls in your future.
Andrew McCaskey May 16, 2006 [c417wds]