PROFILE I find it troublesome when small, insignificant items items get mixed in with the news.
We had a good example of such a non-story taking up time in our newscasts this week – that of a black, female Congressperson roughed it up a bit with one of the guards at the Capital building in Washington, D.C. He failed to recognize here as being a Congresswoman when she tried to enter the building without warning anyone that she had undergone a transformational hairdo since her identification photograph have been taken. The wild, woolly explosion on her head did not remind him of then the skull-tight hairdo on ID card. Doing his job, the guard noticed that she was not wearing the small,lapel-type pin all congresspersons are required to wear if they wish to enter or leave the building without inspection. She accused the guard of “racial profiling”;of “touching her body improperly”; and stated that she was forced to strike out in self-defense to make the man remove his hands from her.
A type of repetitive hell of h arranging broke loose and sought its level in the media marshes of America.
So,just today, after riding it for all it was worth, the cross congresswoman has appeared in public and apologized for something but exactly what and why we will never really know. Her lawyers made quite a thing of it and proclaimed “racial profiling” to be a major cause of anything which happens to appear to be wrong today through out the land.
It is unfortunate that such off-beat incidents eat up so much of our discussion time concerning issues of genuine importance. This also means ,I suppose,that security concerns will demand that the congressional pre-approved passage pins must all be discarded. What do you think the new safe-passage secret item ought to be this time?
A.L.M. April 6, 2006 [c327wds]