ON YOUR WAY How accurate is the picture we form in our own minds concerning that which is taking place at some point at some distant place in the world, or right here at home?
We, most likely, see a view which, at best, is "badly bent." It is possible that we
make adjustments along the way, hoping to make adjustments to compensate for any
misjudgments, made along the way.
I was reading. just yesterday, in the 150th Anniversary edition of HARPER'S MAGAZINE published 2000 in which we had samples of writings a century and a half ago. From my own early days of ten or twelve years of age, I suppose, I can remember being at odds with them at various times. When I was displeased with a Harper's item, I turned to THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY - which, I felt, was rather less struck-up about with it's own importance. Both were magazines which helped to form me to be whatever I am, or will be. They helped me to formulate that which I, now, say: "I believe!" It saddens me to think that no such publication - edited by humans not unlike ourselves - can provide that strange base of informational awareness from constantly changing stocks of raw materials and set before us a steady, nourishing supply of brain foods.
The frightening part of all this is that, even now, we maybe looking out over a world and it affairs and circumstances and seeing them a re-touched aspect as when, in harsh reality, they are actually much like Salvatore Dali's painted watches, fruit or steel melting and glass flowing away...melting...becoming elemental even reverting to nothingness. Such a fear can be our moment of triumph. In one shining moment it can can happen! Seek assistance areas as long as you feel what you are learning. You can help yourself when you become you. Stay within the sphere of influences as long as you can, but be ready to to accept your just reward. We learn from that which we read or told or shown. We have with us, then, that which is of value from the past. The chaff has been winnowed away by our study and firm intent.
You will never get away from your points of origination whatever they might have been in your case. Like my memories of "Harper's" and "Atlantic" are to me; in some way they will stand forever as a part of the future you face.
A.L.M. March 7, 2006 [c424wds]