NATURAL WONDERS We have cobbled up lists we call: “The Wonders of the World”.
There are usually seven of them to indicate “completeness” and two such lists are usually set forth – one called “natural wonders” created by God, and the other lists those items made by Man.
Each list is subject to rot and decay. There is always some disagreement as to choice of a person, place, or thing which might be more meaningful to you. At times, I think, when we might also profit by compiling another such list to be called: “The Seven Great Blunders of Man.”
I believe most of us would agree that Man's contention with the Holy will of his maker has caused repeated trouble. Setting that trait to one side for a time, what else do you judge has caused us to make mistakes?
How about greed, avarice, jealousy, envy and other such terms? We can all look at of those characteristics and we see them illustrated in other people quite easily and often. Ego-centric planning yields poor results even under the best circumstances make it obvious that our League of Nations and United Nations were in error. In like manner so many so-called peace treaties and agreements such as “The Balfour Agreement”, our “Volstead Act”, and year ago Britain's “Stamp Act” against their colonies in America.
Our mistakes have been numerous and each of our war times must be the result of “blunders”in our actions. We are, according to nutritionists and fat-fighters posing as food experts we are in fast food cycle which is a highway to discomfort and suicide. A blunder? In our world of business, buying, selling, manufacturing, distribution we are rapidly sending our abilities to do any of them overseas as we become a ”user” rather than a “maker” nation.
Our mistakes have been numerous, but to hang on to them after they have happened is a tragic thing. We are witnessing a prime example right now during the “Clean Up” work being undertaken in New Orleans, La, The project is moving slowly and millions of dollars of federal funds and several added millions from private donations, are being wasted by political confusion and a wide variety of strange cross-purposes. Graft and corruption are becoming more and more obvious. Elsewhere people such as you and I,dropped dollars in the relief containers crying “Help the Flood Victims!” are thinking: “ Hm, I may have made a mistake there....
A.L.M. March 1, 2006 [c432wds]