JUST RIGHT!I don’t have any idea who might have been the first to say it, but it still makes good sense: “The perfect wife is one who does not insist on a perfect husband.”
It is odd that I should think of at old adage on this particular day when the news tells us of a minister’s wife, allegedly, shot and killed her husband and the father of their three small daughters. When she was arrested early this morning in a motel in a neighboring state without incident, she is said to have confessed to having in done the killing. If, however,she gave any reason for doing so, withheld that information until adequate facilities might be at hand to record such statements.
The absence of a stated reason for the crime, then, led to speculation seeking such basis information. Members of the slain minister's congregation praised him without end. Any suggestions set forth concerning his, perhaps,having either an adultery affair or in to some form or an abusive parent or husband were quickly dispelled. We must now go through another unpleasant series in the courts and in the media to get at the truth in this case.
Certainly today's news must urge us to be more careful in how we judge the worth of others and of ourselves. It may well be that the young mother in this case was simply fed up "to the gills" with living in the constantly overbearing shadow of a perfectly perfect person!
A.L.M. March 25, 2006 [c262weds]