IT HURTS Have you ever wondered how we managed to get where we are today?
There can be little doubt it; we have, in several centuries found our way to a special place. I'm asking you to strain your natural sense hesitation to brag about our progress a bit and look at what we have accomplished from the way we lived in Colonial times - and how we have done much of it against self-imposed odds.
Right now when we are involved in wars that are different in so many ways from what we have known before we cannot seem to agree on just how we should conduct ourselves. In recent years we have seen protest manifest itself in some strange ways, some of which have exited fears of internal weakness which is at work doing us in. The name of Congressman John Murtha, a Democrat, a member from the Johnstown area of the State of Pennsylvania came into world-wide prominence this morning. All day we have been subjected to piece-by-piece descriptions of the man himself. He was virtually unknown to most of us. He is being put together like a jig saw puzzle of sort none of which can possibly be a fair estimate because everyone forms such an image as it appears in their own mind.
I have a strong feeling Murtha is being used as a patsy by his own party. since his statements were bomb-blasted on TV hey are all ready for the major talk shows over the week end. It also hits at then moment when any good, news filtering back from the media from every angle.
Next week, or at the opportune moment, better know Democratic voices will sound out with more moderate “demands” and we can marvel at the wonderful, cooperative, understanding and bsic element of love for all mankind in which we times.
Let's face truth. At times, peace-making, too can be “hell”
A.L.M. November 18, 2005 [c354wds]