YA-YA-YA... We, as small children, probably did some despicable things as we went into the strange processes whereby we learned how to live with others. You can, no doubt, remember some incident in which - looking back at it and knowing that which solved a problem for you, at that time was as wrong.
If you can count up a gross collection of such incidents from your early, formative days, you probably never think of your actions, but if you were more of an average kid - sort of a “Terrible Through Ten” type were an average kid – a
“Terrible Two-through-Ten” brat – you will think of having done wrong and you will regret having done so. Newly hatched political figures seem do fit well into the chronic mis-doers.
The childish bickering which has been so common in the Washington, D.C. is an insult to the intelligence of all. The seemingly natural opposition to anyone not of his or her own choosing is a indication of underdevelopment.
No one candidate named as a possible holder of a specific office, is going to be perfect. Certainly he or she will be wanting in some supposed merit in the eyes of a member of the opposition. It is a wise thing for opposition to seek out and find evidence of evil, or even some minor social error, even a minor wrong in his past to find evidence of wrongdoing, but to use it as a means of keeping a person from getting into office is a waste of effort, time and trouble.
I have always been amazed when I hear that an office holder could pretty well determine his future on certain legislation by picking up the telephone an
engaging in a little tech-e-tete with a wavering or opposing individual. A conversation concerning experiences of long ago can, ofttimes, could work wonders.
When will our beltway boys and girls come to know the real world?
A.L.M October 24, 2005 [c336wds]