WHAT TOMORROW HOLDS I used to wonder why it has been that so many people ask me what tomorrow will be like.
I don't know. You don't know. I have long held the view that we really don't want to know what the future holds, even through most of us seem to have rigged so ultimate good. I think one reason I am asked so often I am asked is that I happen to be one of the only people they know who has a memory stock of, at least, one hundred years of memory... my own plus a quarter century more from my parents and other family members and friends.
The amazing thing about such mental exercises is the fact that regardless of how fantastic our wildest dream become they will fall short of what the future will actually provide.
In this century expect many radical changes:
Man will discover a news source of energy. It maybe cosmic in nature, chemical, sound or noise. By that time we see oil refineries dotting our Atlantic coast, on both sides of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico solid with them.
Many common diseases will be eradicated. New ones will haunt humanity. Of several new ones, only one will be a major killer.
New food forms will be developed. Immense populations will be nourished. Life spans will increase by twenty years.
Time warp travel will be common and space travel greatly enhanced.
There will be an extended awareness of the inherent unity of Mankind under one creator God.
Racial differences will become less troublesome and will fade away as we all become gray rather than black or white; copper or bronze instead of red; tans instead of yellows. Several religious wars will hasten the process.
Space colonies will be thriving on the Moon, Mars and three Asteroids fitted with wrap-around space dwellings.
Computers will be the center of all civilization. Education will not teach information but rather where one can best find it when needed.
A cheerful end note: comedy will continue as Man
keeps laughing at himself and strange things he had said and done.
A.L.M October 2, 2005 [c366wds]