NO END IN SIGHT? The long endured troubles in both Ireland and in the Middle East, as well as hot-spots around the world suggests it may be time for basis change in some such each area. If the factions concerned have not decided to call a halt to their disruptive tactics is up to this time, then, it seems highly unlikely they will ever achieve any lasting peace any time. Drastic changes are needed.
It is true, of course, that these are not new problems and that the underlying causes are mixed into a complicated series of historical occurrences far removed from the realities of our own day. It is very difficult to re-do history whatever degree to the concerned persons. That holds especially when when persons involved are relatives.
In recent weeks our attention has been diverted by the hurricanes and resulting flood condiions along our coastal ports. This has been - is - and will continue to be a major event in the life of our nation. It is far more serious than most Americans realize a the present time.
Times now are often not what they are said, to be.
Right now - today - here in the Commonwealth of Virginia and efforts of men running for Attorney-General opposing a growing tendency or prisoners to enter suits against the state for the most friviolous reasons. The truth has its verity only in the mind of the teller...who is telling the tale and from what perspective. The truth is often left untold, as we trust in factional accounts. Certain such questions as this may be brought before a world court of some type for a "ruling" on the subject which might help the cause of peaceful co-existence. Is such world bodies as the United Nations organizations can not be used in such cases of what value are they to us?
I agree that this sounds too much like our own "Special Prosecutors" setups to be practical if might prove valuable in bringing such problems before a world wide audience who are concerned in some way. Holme front happenings very often indicate the path our future might follow.
A.L.M. October 15, 2005 [c399wds]