Could we have taken action months ago, even years ago, which might have prevented,or in some way have eased the national agony we are now experiencing in our gulf coast states and, in particular, chaotic conditions bordering on rebellion?
Yes. We can,I'm sure,look back over what has taken place and see errors that were made - in our view - by individuals, by groups including governmental personages as well as self-appointed or fame-fertilized guru types of various religious tinges. It is usually easy for each of us to see how it worked out that the so-and-official in such-and-such an office knew little about what he or she was supposed to be doing. One suggested, then, which can enable us to avoid trouble later on. Take elections seriously and vote capable, qualified, worthy people to office. Make elections more than popularity contests.
The actual events we are discussing for the most part,had taken place approximately five days before. It was at that critical point, when victims sat waiting and wondering when help would arrive, that the potentially mad moment of the entire tragedy became evident. Out of the abyss; out of the silence and inactivity came the corrosive idea that the delay might be a deliberate political strategy. It was hinted rather than said aloud. Up and down the organizational charts from the city or nationwide elected or of appointed authority "outs accused "ins" regardless of party affiliation.
To me, this continues to be the most critical point of it all. On Day Five needed supplies, medications, equipment and personnel for public control are evident. The scourge of rampant looting and gang-rule in some areas where city, county and state control were not functioning has been given serious treatment. With basic local law re-established, improvements will follow speedily.
In truth, we do not know exact reasons which may have caused the New Orleans aberrations. It is imperative that we continue to center our investigative attentions upon them until we understand them very well.
We have come close to our ruin in "The Big Easy". The deadly seeds are there. We must gather them with special care. We must never allow any of them to be planted again - anywhere.
A.L.M. Sept 3, 2005 [c389wds]