CLAIM TO FAME Who among us today will be judged to have been famous in his or her own time?
Very few. Such a list, if it could be compiled, would be rather short.
It has been concluded years ago by unnamed persons who did not, themselves make the grade - names unknown – who decided just what must transpire before anyone could have a real claim to genuine fame. Here, briefly, is their formula.
“If, after you have been dead for one hundred years, two people - not relatives or descendants of yours – remember your name and something you did, then you were a famous person in your own time.”
Just two people - after one hundred years! Frills have been appended to the original theory, of course. If ,for instance,your deeds had been less than admirable you might have “infamous” rather than honored. Or, worse yet – like the rest of – simply forgotten.
Take a few minutes and boggle your brain a bit concerning the untold millions upon millions of eager souls who have populated this Earth for umpteen centuries. Not very encouraging, is it? Makes a person wonder if its such a good idea to aim for fame after all. That may explain how it is that so many people aim for fame as combined with fortune. They aim for fame, but money spends better and, who knows? Any good deeds done with your fortune may be your key to fame.
A serious study note: with the fame theory in mind, rethink how it must have been Mark and and a few went into the mid east, and one hundred years after Jesus had lived; searched and found the reasons for his fame for all times.
A.L.M. September 29, 2005 [c354wds]