FROM THE SKY Look upwards!
Think for just a moment of the myriad wonders which have come to us from above.
The beauty of the stars so endlessly prolific, are, perhaps, foremost of the wonders Man can observe and know, in a general sense. I have been that Man, viewing them from Earth can see about six thousand individual stars with many clusters distinguished as a single points of light. You have, no doubt, witnesses such a sight and wondered what the ultimate intent of it all might be. We, it appears, are not yet ready to know about such things. It does serve, however, as an avenue by which we might seek to learn of the immensity and boundless dimensions of the overawing Will of God the Creator, maker and constant mender of it all.
We, in this age, have more reason than Man has every had before to learn about the space around us because we have been allowed to reach out and actually touch some of the material portions of the cosmos.
We have become more and more aware of what might the heavens might hold which will be special interest and concern. Now that we “been there” -in a very limited sense - we are, I feel, on the very edge of finding out what it might all mean for our future... if, and there are conjectural potentials contained in all of this, for we must show we can handle it properly. All of this may be compared to that point in the history of Mankind at which he discovered “fire”. How our space learning may best be used might determine which way we go.
We might make a proper choice, and we, as has been done before, might select a pathway which will not only mis-use the advantages we have at the moment but to utterly waste them. It is entirely possible that we, so intent as we seem to be on merely getting along with each other.
Our wars and social, political, and religious fixations place our true future in grave jeopardy.
A.L.M. August 24, 2005 [c358wds]