It may well be true that it might never have happened to you.
Just because you have been excluded at some time in the past, doesn't mean, of course, that it should happen only that it has not happened in your life up to this point.
It could be that the visit has all ready taken place. It may be that you have stubbornly refused to accept even a small assistance factor from anyone else. To you, accepting help is a sign of weakness; darkness is a condition wherein we are deprived of light. A of sounds might, to some, mean silence and be viewed most of the time as a great loss.
None of these views hold strictly to the truth, however.
In some, strange way we all seem to be, at times, member of a creative group.
Just about every person I've ever mentioned it to, has, it appears, thoughts about his or her purpose for being here. That seems to be a normal question we ask ourselves. We are constantly trying to decide why we are, where we are; what we are at work at where we are and most difficult of all - what we are intended to be doing. If a person concerns himself too intently for too long a time he feels isolated, kidnapped or just plan old nautical-sounding ""shanghaied". The few who make it all the way through this maze end up writing books very much like "The Pilgrim's Progress" and spend the rest of their lives explaining what they have written including pages of logging give and take on the Internet.
I do have feeling at times that certain people come into our lives for the specific reason of influencing dynamic change. At times they chose to go away from we area to live, but are continuing examples of how we can live if we want to do so. The people who influence us the most are probably among those who actually have the least possible association with our natural lives - the examples , the models, the "me,too" dreamers. It all sounds exciting and challenging, but we need always remember that ,just as earlier, we have a choice. Choose the path which is the natural one for us depends to a large extent on what standards we have for making judgments. The greatest reasponsbility of all is that this not a one-way street.
As you search for what you are really supposed to be or become, someone else might well be looking at you as a model. That's the scary part.
A.L.M. June 11 2005 [c442wds]