BETTER In recent weeks we have all started to see more and more outline maps of Central American nations as well as those of nation of the lower half of this western hemisphere in our papers...from Mexico on down.
This geographical switch is part of another round of Trade Agreements - this time with those nations to the south. I have a feeling it is the best suggestion we have heard thus far
Remember the last time we did that? Ross Perot warned of a dreaded "sucking sound" of our economy oozing elsewhere.By this time we all know the "sound".It is very real.. It is very real and we a just beginning to realize here in the United States share of such profits have moved elsewhere and that the suggest plan has some redeeming qualities we might find to our advantage. We have
No on can claim one system to be the "best", but it does seem this new plan found that the old marketing concept of supply and demands and in need of some changes.. We could determine quite accurately how profits from that exchange and it was, for the most part, a mutually interactive procedure. The present system, as it has evolved, dictates by scarcity what, when and whom one might buy a product or service locally. Profits go to foreign governments distant and also removed from our social structure in so many ways. We have, at last, come understand that our industrial capacity is a thing of the past. It no longer exists and we have become a dependent, recipient, consuming nation relying more and more on foreign ownership. Profits go there; not here.
We are finding more reasons daily to be concerned about the products and services to which we have become accustomed; certain. products or services we deemed to be important for the survival of our selves and of our families of four or five individuals. We were not concerned so much with luxury items but with those much-needed things - clothing, housing, food, medical supplies and equipment gadgets to pride better better communications one with the other, and, in many cases, some support in funding various institutions we deemed to be of special value: churches, schools, hospitals, or worthy charity needs.
The new suggested plan shifts some of the industrial manufacturing activities closer to home as a welcome mans of earning stability and building pride in accomplishment for our neighbors. I say - go for it.
A.L.M. May 16, 2005 c426wds]