SEDNA! We now have something new to worry about!
If you are among those who have been unaware of the existence of Sedna , then you haven't been keeping up with your zodi-reacting lately and have allowed your cosmic whatever to waver a bit.
There is now a brand new 1800 kw chunk of something out there in space we didn't know about until now and there is no way in the world of cosmic consciousness you can't possibly say or do anything to convince me that this is now going to work havoc with all of our charts and diagrams. How can I possibly keep such-and-such in conjunction with so-and-so with Sedna standing there in the way? It might even be true that this new Sedna thing... totally unique among recent additions to our catalog of cosmic hardware... is the long-awaited key to lottery literacy!
Each of us has a duty to all other who think on the same level as we do to get in something of hurried mode so we influence the nature of this new discovery's attributes - real or fanciful -and add to the informational mountain which will grow recording its qualities, special powers and endless potential! We who have such knowledge of the workings of pour heavenly b bodies can work miracles in space, if we but get out act together and start working at our task!
Learn all you possibly can about Sedna.
It's not a planet. It's bigger than bread box and a bit smaller that the planet Pluto. If you know where Pluto is, Sedna is located about three times down the same road into space. It measures about 1800 kw in diameter. It is the most distant object know to be in orbit around our sun. The pattern is elliptical in shape,very much so, and the body comes around in just a bit over every 10,000 years or so.
When speaking of Sedna, try to work in such terms as ."A.U", "Oort Cloud objects" and mention it is all "beyond the Kuiper Belt." You may wonder why Sedna always appears to be bright,too and may marvel at the fact that it does hoi even though we know so little about its composition. Other icy surface do not show as red. The real name of the new object is "2003 VB12", so keep that handy as we set out to learn more about our zodiac treasures.
A.L.M. April 9, 2005 [c507wds]