EVERY DAY SECURITY When we place emphasis on any one type of security, we tend to subtract that amount of effort from some existing application. There is evidence that, all too often, simply move the protective shield from any area to one which is showing an urgent need to show how concerned we are about our defense.
The unbelievable series of events which took place in Atlanta, Ga. this week, certainly brings into view many instances security planning was inept as to caused even common sense precautions normally considered necessary, to be ignored. The fact that the criminal being moved to the court room was escorted only by a lone, female sheriff's deputy disturbed many viewers at the very start. Video shots show it was no problem at all for the unshackled to overcome the smaller female; take her weapon and use it kill her, the judge and others - I've forgotten the supposed sequence of the killings, but I did hear court officials saying that the reason there was only one guard - and that a small stature d female with the criminal. was that there was " a shortage on deputies" with a strong suggestion that they had asked for funding to hire more deputies and been refused, ignored or evaded. The illusion was given that they were not properly funded by tight-fisted officials.
More of us, sitting a home, watching all of this taking place -the miracle escape of the man down five flights of steps and across to a parking area; stealing a car and making off down the street. It all seemed to hinge on the fact that he had been inadequately guarded Viewers, taxpayers at home, had been subjected TV coverage showing singer-dancer-style-setter Michael Jackson arriving at his Southern California Court Room. He had b been accompanied every step of the way by, at least six, well-muscled men obviously alert, trained and experienced to function as a body guard for the celebrated star. Five or six such guards were visible and others had brought him there and would take him home. Six, or more, for Jackson; one for the one , unfettered Atlanta man. Such a comparison was obvious and millions of people saw it taking place. Some even wondered how such a thing could be happening.
For this reason, and others growing out of this area of crisis in Atlanta, many Americans are - today - feeling a bit uneasy about our much discussed and very import national defense program. Election shifts have a put us in a state of uncertainty as to exactly who might be running the national defense programs at the moment.
Many have been shocked to hear that, this morning, we had another anthrax scare in Washington, D.C. Two pieces of mail, were discovered to have a white powder on them and immediate closure of the U. S. Mail facility in Northern Virginia which handles all incoming Defense Department was closed employees started on a medical procedure to counteract any anthrax infection. The important thing which needs to be told more openly. The potentially dangerous white powder was discovered by machines installed several years ago. They are still working.
We must not let our interest and concern for defense measures to lapse. We have done much of what we have done - well.
A.L.M. March 15, 2005 [c561wds]