“One size fits all” Don't you believe it brother!
It may feel comfortable enough, but, in time, the contents will grow to fit the contours allowed by the encasement. Try wearing shoes one half size too large, You'll find you have plenty of room to move about in them and wiggle your toes. For a time,you will like that, but when you try to go back to your former half-size smaller shoes, they will be uncomfortable. They will feel far too tight because your feet have modified to fit the area you made available with larger shoes. Or ,try a larger size of anything worn around the waist and because it seems to be better you feel you can eat more or richer foods. You gain weight and no longer fit the former clothing. Sizes remained static, You modified to fit them.
All of this is so very evident in clothing and footwear but the same concept applies to other aspects of living as well.
Consider the matter of education.
It is becoming more and more obvious that none of our educational programming fits everyone. We are overdue for some drastic changes in the fundamental ideas of what an education means in view of the continuing growth of overall economic system and the demands it places on participants. We must plan to educate our children so they can meet the challenges of the future and compete in the world of other competent, well-trained, quasi-experienced and eager men and women for what will be felt to be important in living at that time. Yet, we are steadfastly adhering to programs designed to make everyone an executive with no workers' too many chiefs and not enough Indians;, enough chefs to spoil anyone's broth but no cooks, and we allow butcher, bakers and candlestick makers to come into second-rated being though chance, bad luck, social leveling experiments, academic accidents and other such trivia to get at career potential is each of us.
We heart a lot of yakking and ranting on “ talk” radio and fringe TV at times. Bortz, a strong radio voice out of Atlanta, Ga., uses the term ”government schools” as he derides the manner in which our children are being short-changed in today's educational market centers. More people need to be paying attention to what is being said in regard to our current neglect and malignantly festering mis-handling of a politically be-deviled system and the lack of purpose which is becoming more evident as the ultimate day of reckoning comes nearer.
It is becoming more and more evident that the push for change will not come from the political side. The Social side of our culture is more or less paralyzed by past excesses and overwhelmed with far too many ”isms” of many types, to work with uniform intent toward any ideal. The Religious side of many nations is intent on cleaning its own house and in re-aligning what it is they hope to be some day to Mankind.
To whom must we turn today to get some interest going to attempt to re-establish the basic principles of education for the benefit of all rather than for the few. We have our “Town Criers” in the form of a few radio talk shows hosts – some of whom are aware of the need because they are in daily contact with the heart and soul of the American people day after day, hour after hour.. Now and then a “patriot” of the cause steps out of the crowd - or, is pushed forward ; is “honored” for a time as an example of what can be done, but the cause needs leadership.
A brilliant resurgence of education awaits us all. Each day we delay, the risks become greater; the costs higher. What individual, or group will guide us toward such a worthy goal?
A.L.M. June 14, 2004 [c633wds]