I sometimes question that which seems me to be a rather shallow “futuristic” attitude concerning the way we live. We become far too much and much too readily concerned about “the way things are going to be tomorrow” and overlook the opportunity we have at hand in the present and often tense moments our lives today.
I mention it now because I also get a kindred feeling that at the same time, we are, thus complicating and weakening our nation.
The present – tense or sedate – is an active one. It builds constantly and it builds on firm foundations and not on the fickle, shifting sands of popular opinion, whims or styles. It is a good thing, perhaps, to keep some ideas of what future living might involve, but to jump over existing barriers thinking that puts us in closer contact with tomorrow, is a false view. The very promise of a bright tomorrow means we must find solutions to problems which make it unlikely to be in sync with our natural dreams of the paradise it might become.
“Now” is here. You can work with it to make “then“ even better.
Make clean break with misdeeds and mistakes of the past and take a firm step upon firmer land for tomorrow. Do those things which need to be done today. Do them now. Don't wait for some indefinite time in the years ahead ...near or far.
Glance at the burgeoning pages of “Help Wanted” advertisements in the newspapers of the land, and in the slick pages of the technical journals as well form all over the world. Rid yourself of silly fears about recessions and depressions by driving among the thousands of developments where new homes or all types and sizes are being constructed throughout our nation! Or, push yourself and shopping cart into the streaming throngs of buyers at your local Mall or Shopping Center. Or, take the whole family and enjoy the day at a leading stock car race; a major league baseball game or some other sport you enjoy! Be an active citizen in your area and you will see Americans “living it up” both at work and at play.
Become part of Now.
Do that and the Future will be secured. “Now” will become the “Past” - a time you will honor and respect because you helped build it.
A. L. M. [c402wds] December 5, 2004