I'm tempted to write the words “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holidays”, or simply “Noel” and call that today's column . That's the a way and we have all used it one year or another, but the right way is far safer.
I say “safer” because this year we have segments of our society who are taking affront with the wording of greetings for this special time of the year. There is a faction who, trying hard to appear to be be especially tolerant and liberal but eliminating any and all references in holiday greetings which might suggest a religious connection. The others - louder, perhaps, than usual this year because of trends indicated in our recent political elections. They insist that the opposition is seeking “to take Christ out of Christmas.” We are in a strange mood following our political phase of name-calling and condemnations en masse.
We are in a “home defense” stance, it appears. Anyone who looks to tradition as a standard is viewed by those who do not wish to be curbed as blockheads of the worst order.
The rest of the years these same people seem to get along reasonably well, but when the season of showing special love, understanding and compassion is promoted they become outspoken enemies. The ruckus is sharper this year than usual. In years past criticism has been limited to complaints about over-commercialization of Christmas weeks and, close to that itchy irk there was the use of “Xmas” -literally taking Christ out of the word “Christmas.” That was bad enough but now it is being urged that any and all reference to the Christian faith must the exorcised.
Anyone would would think that such a change could be effected other than by force and, even then, just on the surface, has to be confused on his or her holidays. They have confused December 25th with April 1st.
People who are intensely home defense oriented may even view this “attack on Americanism” as being part of one of the ever-present conspiracies which seem to exist to manage such underhanded things. Get the Christian terms out and insert Muslim equivalents in their places.
For my part - I'm still saying “Merry Christmas”. If it bothers you in any way feel free to say it anyway you like. Let such freedom be a part of our holiday time together. It's no skim off my glow.
A.L.M. December 24, 2004 [c409wds]