I have never been one to make a long list of New Year's Resolution promises which I know perfectly well I am not going to keep.
You may be one who tabulates them carefully every year, but it strikes me that we have enough concern for our own well-being that, if we really want to, we can do those things anyway. Most of them are common sense precautions we take to avoid stumbling over our own stupidity.
You may be one who needs to write them down, but I don' t et that far. Most such resolutions say I am going to change my way about tending to my health I'd say that was the subject for most with older people, but young persons feel a more general air permanency while oldsters look forward to that inevitable end. The longer we can put it off, it seem, the better. One can resolve that pleasant circumstances and beneficial patterns for the coming year and though out a brighter, happier and a more responsive life. That's all commendable, and wise. If I had keep a childhood resolution to brush my teeth, I would have to spend far less time cleaning my dentures today.
Many have financial wishes. Those thinking along social lines wish for a bit of an increase their activity along social lines.. They are keeping up with the Jones' and don't realize that the Jones' are keeping up with the Smith's who are following the Rocker fellers and Microsoft millionaires..
Many have other worries and care, I suppose, and so many of them deal with fantasy life styles, too. We live a- la-Disney now-a-days so potentially exciting event in our future - such as being at home when the Publishers Clearing House van shows up at our house.
The worst fear, it seems, are the loss old family and friends, perhaps, though social differences or through some strange erosion of religious certainties.
We quote Emerson as have said: "What I have seen readies me for those things I have not seen." Our proper point, then for judging the future, must be to study our past ...appreciate it and grow our better future upon its merits.
A.L.M. December 29, 2004 [c423wds]