Far too much election-time talk is sheer nonsense.
Have you noticed how often many politicians have been setting forth detailed condemnations of existing or proposed programs or procedure without having anything better which might be used to replace it to advantage?
If, as a builder, you plan to kick out a supporting wall or post, you will want to be certain you have something sturdy and strong to replace it, or you risk the entire structure falling down on your head.
Things just don't work the way some simplistic-minded people seem to think they do. So, when a politician paints graphic scene from a world that does not exist they can be deeply flawed. If he wants a complete withdrawal of armed forces from a specific area, he must also set forth how he plans to maintain the stability of that area once the troops are withdrawn. To simply pull them out is not enough. We owe that much to ourselves and to those people dependent on our troops being there. The suddenly withdraw supporting funding causes the same sort of misery. Withdrawn, maintenance funds handicap work-in-progress; harm everyone concerned and unless something is put is place of that withdrawn we have been totally remiss in our obligations.
“I will do thus and so...”is a common statement these days and nights being said by some who have not the slightest idea what they might actually be able to do, if elected , only that they will do away with that which now exists. What he sometimes means is that the name of the project will be changed and the plans continued with different persons in charge. Few individuals can come up with panacea recipes to replace detailed projects planned and being executed by many able and qualified people working together. Yet far too many make promises which are know at the time to be unlikely, if not impossible are being blatantly set forth. I have not heard any candidate say so, as yet, but it wouldn't surprise me at all to hear someone proclaim:”Elect me in November. Have our boys and girls home by Christmas!.”
Many voters would hear such a promise and think it made reference to our military “boys and girls”. Unused thus far, such a gross statement would be rebut ed, I hope. The same sort of double meaning used far too often in other area of other concern. Take this matter, for instance, of Presidents supposedly “creating new jobs” Healthy economies create new job opportunities – not Presidents from any political party.
Today, on the last day of September, we are about five weeks away from that day we will walk into the narrow confines of a voting booth and be there all alone to register our choice of the man we hope will be the leader of our nation for the next four years. I heard two TV newsmen exchanging views this morning and they seemed concerned about a growing sense of apathy among many of us. They hoped tonight's initial debate between Kerry and Bush in Miami would engender some enthusiasm to see us go the end of this race.
Guilty or not guilty? I've heard so many average persons say
“I'll be so glad when all this election stuff is over and done with!”
A.L.M. September 30. 2004 [c562wds]