When viewed from above, the rainbow is a full circle, not an arc. That means that what we think we perceive is an illusion and not a reality at all. It also gives the lie to the idea that the rainbow, since it is a circle has no end a which there rests a ever overflowing pot of gold.
It can be said to have no beginning, as well.
The rainbows which become apparent in our lives become apparent when they appear as detailed point of light up welling into being from the edge of differences in temperature and moisture. Sunlight feeds the illusion and we see a group of colorful sparkles as an arch, which is really a circle, we cannot control or modify by any direction of ours.
We all strive to construct rainbows.
We all try to do so from time to time. We don't call them by that term, of course, or even admit that we are doing so partial by partial by all the light of serious understanding penetrate our creative process. When we meet with difficulties we work seriously and intently to better our situation, to ward off the storm and to strive for a rainbow of confidence and assurance that the trouble has been thwarted. We work seriously at building for what we see as being improvements, changes, and worthy advancements, We like the soft, pillow-like structure of the rainbows composed of all shades and colors - every basic essential of creative attainment - as it occurs in the mind's eye long before it becomes apparent on the other side of involvement worktables. There is no better place to witness yourself building a dream to be real, than when you are in love with someone you realize is to be your natural mate and co-creator. If one follows that guide line of making children is bringing rainbows into being which meld the past and the future together. The child is a completed rainbow constructed in love by a man and a women. Too bring a child into the light is an act of bringing to all the gift of a colorful span which is truly a perfect circle seen often in part only in the world of man's understanding.
We all build rainbows. They are fragile, but the are essential to the enjoyment of the fullness of life. Tend yours with special care.
A.L.M. April 23, 2004 [c422wds]