A totally new facet has been added to the not-so-gentle art of electioneering since television has taken over the bulk of the process in most areas. Right now, almost daily, I see and hear candidates fall into the subtle trap which can do them real harm on their way to the upper office area.
A very real change has taken place in the composition of the audience to whom a candidate may be speaking. He who ignores the change is courting disaster albeit in small does - which can be just as deadly in the long run.
There is quite a different type of “ammunition” allowable when a candidate speaking to a “closed” group of people who are in sympathy with his views, but a totally different different type of word weaponry is needed for reaching a group which includes people opposed to his programs. Every time a he or she candidate makes a sharply critical of an opponent he is greeted by cheers from those whoa agree but there others who are bot so easily pleased. They scoff and ridicule what is said and resolve to continue to belive as they have before. The old railroad yard crowd which gathered around the rear platform of the visiting Pullman cae was made up of ninty-per cent loyal supporters. The TB audience is seldom, if ever, so one-sided.
Each time John Kerry, or any other opposing candidate, speaks of President George W. Bush as being a :”tyrant “, “liar”,”:an AWOL soldier”, or some other such term, he drives yet another bent and poison-dipped, corroding nail in his own coffin.
If a candidate is going to use TV to seek out new adherents, he had best be schooled in the realities which come with it. It is one of the few chances you, as a candidate, will have to talk to people who are not convinced you are what you claim to be. In reality much of the winning of new people is done by the loyal workers you inspire rather than through any direct, personal appeals you might make..
You will not make much progress with any of them if you purposely drive them away. Sugar makes a far better bait than vinegar. Television is best used by “adults” and it is increasingly obvious that not all candidate are that far advanced in the ways of going about it.
My advice to all candidates: Mind your TV manners!
A. L. M. February 14, 2004 [c423wds].