It is now more important than ever for us to be aware of how people see us picture by our outside appearance.
If you happen to look “Arabic� or “Mid-Eastern� in your coloring, the texture, style and coloring of your hair, and the territorial overtones you confirm by the way you wear your clothing. - all make you suspect:- in a general sense - at so many points in the daily of a security conscious nation.
A few that concept would have seemed wrong.. To judge someone so severely by their outward appearance would have been an infringement of private rights in a legal sense and unacceptable in a commonsense sense, as well
No more. The immediate thought is often that you may not be what you appear to be. And, furthermore, that basic idea has mushroomed into a tidal wave of suspicion which now includes the idea that you may be what you are eagerly pretending not to be.. People showing any eccentricities in conduct, bearing, or manner of speech ...even in what is worn as clothing.. Such are potential suspects. Any variation from the accepted norms of different areas make every individual personal potential suspect at one time or another.
We might all be helpful to each other if we, during this stressful times of suspicion , if we dressed honestly, and stop to trying to be something we are not. The dowdy woman dressed as a Hollywood star,remains in the eyes of many a dowdy woman dressed in what she thinks of as being Tinseltown garb, A teen ager by who is trying to give an impression of being natural but wears his baseball cap properly with the bill forward can cause suspicion, especially if he takes if off when indoors night or day..
We might dress for comfort rather than for style, too. A comfortable person is nicer to be around. Style changes are fine; nothing wrong with with the fashion trends which reverse themselves periodically like a pendulum on a clock. Skirts go up and down';trousers are pleated, then, plain; Lapels are narrow or wide, necklines shift about, shoes go from near nothing to ponderous pods being checked as potential bomb storage areas at our airports. with good reason. The style shifts seem to be endless .but certain qualities tend to go with times of national peace and prosperity while others go with times of war and disunity.
A.L.M. December 18, 2003 [c415wds]