How can men and women who have set themselves up as being of such stature that they might expect themselves to become President of the United States, be so unthinking, vindictive, childish-biased, and impolite in voicing their opposition to the current holder of that office?
We are now witnessing a curious exhibit by a group of eight or ten such persons aspiring to that office, who seem to feel they deserve our support and dedicated service so the can be our leader. Yet, day-by-day, seeking that place, they openly vilify and openly insult our elected President.
This, to me, is totally wrong!
It is, not only an highly suspect way of going about seeking support, but is is the wrong road road to take in an ethical way, as well. I think the office seeker should have a measure of respect and honor for the office he seeks in this particular case. That is not established if he or she repeatedly scorns the present holder of that office - chosen and elected by a majority of the people.
I do not appreciate it at all when anyone - in public forums - accuses the President of the United States - our nation unfairly- be he Republican, Democrat or of another party. I felt the same with others in the past of either party. My view is that, once elected, that individual is “our” national President - not merely that of the party which placed him there. It is the party we must judge for any shortcomings, not the individual.
One by one the current cadre of would Presidents seem to be vying with each other to see who dare voice the most unscrupulous accusations they can evolve of President George W. Bush. One such candidate, just this last week, accused Bush of total unworthiness at least four time in one sentence in a recent speech. Certainly that candidates handlers must know that is no way to win friends and influence voters. Those tricks of the politicking trade which seem to have worked well in lesser levels of election procedures, are forbidden in the more exalted stratum naming the nation's President.
The potential candidates who make use of this disturbing technique of slander, false accusations, and gossip-engendered skullduggery, are doing a dis-service to their own party and to the nation at large. Their selfish, inconsiderate appeals to the lowest elements of political life; maneuvering innuendo are an insult to those who are earnestly engaged in seeking the highest office in the land.
Listen intently to the campaign oratory; evaluate what you hear on the basis of common elements of fair play, honesty and politeness, and be aware of snide personal references to the personal traits of the incumbent. Now is the time for us to weed out the wrong doers. Pick and choose your candidate with care.
I do not buy products from an advertiser who knocks a competitor's product by name. I do not vote for a politician who openly knocks his oppositions attainments. His task, to me, is to show me how he can do better; not to list the things he thinks the incumbent may be doing wrong.
A..L.M. September 7, 2003 [c534wds]