I'm told that the wild moose, if fed by visitors, will, in time, turn on them when they show up and fail to bring food.
How like people and politicians?
“Look at the moose!”
` Few of us actually have the experience of seeing a live moose emerge from the forest cover into a green pasture. We may see deer on occasion here in Virginia, but I have yet to see a moose on the loose. They are big and, I should think, most impressive to those who do see them. A moose in motion is memorable, I would imagine.
I bring the subject up or two reasons. One; I have heard talk about attempts to re-establish both the moose and elk in Virginia's National Forest areas. Ten years ago there was such talk about bringing in the coyote and rural residents in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina now speak of the need to kill coyotes to protect their sheep and hunting dogs.
My second reason concerns all of us. It is about the forthcoming national elections - already in progress with politicians hitting the primary trails in record numbers. I watched a baker's dozen or so such candidates the other afternoon on C-SPAN as they each recited a series of promises to voters who support them. This group happened to be all Democrats, but the Republicans and others, such as the Greens and Libs, will be out there pitching packages of prosperity and plenty for potential patrons as well.
They were an impressive lot in some ways, I must say, and all but two or three of them are well-known.
But, what you might be wondering, has all of that to do with the moose I mentioned. Just this. A person who knows much about moose tells me that if you a moose out in the wild, he will accept your offering again and again, but if you happen to come into his presence without gifts of food for him, said moose may well attack you!
It would seem to me that those politicians who are filling the air with wild promises of what they are going to do for all of humanity when elected had best turn to the lesson to be learned from observing the tendency of the loose moose - the uncommitted voter - to get, one way or another, what he thinks you have for him. If you slack off on enticements and favors, you must be ready to run for cover.
Back off a bit. Stay real. Not all of those voting critters out there are bunny rabbits.
A.L.M. June 23, 2003 [c429wds]