It can happen
Some of the little folders that come in the mail by way of “Junk Mail” are worth reading.
Of course, they are often “slanted”. They are written to present a specific viewpoint and carefully crafted to sell you on a product or a service. Some are pretty far out. A few prove to be very practical.
One such folder you may have been received in the mail at your home this week It is a purple and white, four-page newsletter from the American Cancer Society.
Read the boxed in article on page three. It’s the one toward the outer edge and it is in white print on a purple background. It concerns stomach cancer and notice that there is not one lecturing word against
smoking, gluttony, couch-potato-ism, or pesticides. It’ s strictly about stomach cancer with facts presented thereunto:
. You will learn that there will be 21,000 cases of stomach cancer in the U.S. in 2002. 12,400 will die.
. most victims will be in the 60-70 age bracket.
. used to be a major killer in U.S. but it is now ‘way down the list.
. Cause? No one knows for sure. Cured, salted and smoked foods?
.Eat more fruits and vegetables.
.Use of antibiotics with young children kills germ which causes it.
. Advice. Eat 5 or more servings of fruits and veggies per day.
. there is far less stomach cancer in the U.S. than in other countries.
Let’s try to keep it that way.
That is “slanted”, in one sense, you might say, but in a positive manner. Watch for this particular leaflet in your “Junk Mail” this week
It should be easy to find among the credit card application form offers. Or, you can bring up and learn more about it on line.
A.L.M. August 27, 2002 [c-312wds]