The moon above the Earth is, I understand, not made of green cheese although an
official announcement attesting as to the truth of that claim, now established as fact by
reason of personal visitation, has not yet been propounded and published by authorities
who speak to such matters.
Such a statement may well be needed because we still have thousands of people
on this Earth who insist that the Earth is the center of the universe and that everything
else rotates around it. There is a society which was formed to promulgate such views and
they have their own far-out page on the world-wide Internet web to lure converts to
accepting their beliefs.
We still have flat-earth believers as well. They still ask why, if we are on a ball as
others like to claim we are, “how come we don’t fall off?” They ,too, can be found in
abundance on their Web pages and I wonder, if, perhaps, those who are writing them do
so “with tongue in cheek” because it seems unlikely for able-minded individuals to
continue to believe in something which is so drastically confounded by critics.
Both have close ties to astrology and related areas of mis- information and the flat
earth believers hold that when the Bible speaks of “the four corners of the Earth” it means
just that...the four corners of a flat, geographic expanse of firmament interspersed with
the oft-times turbulant waters of the seas which, however, do not flow over the edge for
some unspecified reason. This, too, although it flies in the face of the demands which are
required of the believer in the flat earth theory itself, would serve to make one doubt the
authenticity of the entire plan. In seems converts are expected to believe only in that
which they can see except when it proves worthwhile to believe in the exact opposite
and to believe statements for which attesting visual evidence cannot be viewed when
one is to accept that segment of the concept on faith alone.
I often wonder that, if we have gone for centuries upon centuries without being
able to iron out all the wrinkles from the fabric of our religious sensibilities and of the nature
of our residential area Earth, which we call home. What about the possibility of we have
what we might call “less than perfect” areas in other aspects of our living ...our social whirl,
our esthetic aspirations, our expressions as to the various qualities of our nature?
How far have we come along the road to such developments? Are there still
pockets of disbelief therein? Are the Cave Man qualities which are deemed acceptable
as normal social relationships? Are there people who deny the math concepts of our
There are, certainly many who insist the medical knowledge we profess is
inadequate in many ways, and it seems to be quite apparent in our political life where
stem cell impulses still seem to guide many individuals.
Facts are often fictional. Much depends on who is bending the mirrors.
a.l.m. June 3, 2002 [c521wds]