The discrete use of pressure is one of the mainstays of diplomacy.
There are certain moments within the process of arriving at any agreement when
this quality appears, however, and when it does so it might seem subtle at the moment.
even deceptively so. The comes a time when one party sets forth the concept that you
must do so-and-so unless you want such-and-such to take place.
That’s “pressure” even though it is nothing more than a hint or suggestion.
There is a scientific study being conducted right now by NASA and related research
groups to try to determine what and why “shear” occurs in certain liquids and not in
others. You have experienced this bit of wonder yourself if you have ever had a catsup
bottle which would not give a little; then, suddenly, spat forth much more catsup than
you wanted. The same thing occurs with some paints, plastics, blood, and other
substances and we don’t know why or how. It is suspected that tiny particles within the
mix start moving at individual rates as compared to the larger ones in its presence and
when shaken or given a good knock with your hand the fluid is stirred up and there is a
marked imbalance of pressure hence the fluid so treated becomes looser and far more
fluid than the rest.
The analogy is obvious. There is a certain factor -call it ”shear “ if you wish, which ,
when a concept is set forth for study seems to go contrary to set rules; takes its own way.
It can drag the main body of material along with it , too. This bit of “push” and “shove”
from the more aggressive portions of the mixture exert a tremendous influence o all
ingredients and all to flow forth in a sudden spurt. This element of “force” when used in
relation to behind to an idea under discussion can cause the basic premise to be
modified, even changed, if set forth properly. The tests being conducted in space allow
the contents of the test container to remain in place the than being allowed to settle to
the bottom of the bottle. They remain suspended and - we shall see what happens in
that area as the in-space conditions continue. You may remember how “wind shear” has
been the cause of aircraft accidents, too so the tests have wide applications.
They could give us some guidelines concerning the altering of our troublesome
egocentric ideas for the better, as well.
A.L.M. June 22, 2002 [c 427wds]